Clothing Previewer and 3D drawing (e.g. Procreate 3D)

Huge fan of the website. I’m here to report a recent bug where the site will take you to a text version of the model instead of downloading the obj. Tested it on both Chrome and Firefox, and the same bug happened on both.

Just delete the end of the .txt and it is an obj extension ,it is just a dummy anyway…

Hey uh I think it broke as I keep uploading templates to it and it doesn’t register or render even though I can see the image uploaded in the dev console.

works pretty good. my only slight criticism is that the colours appear more muted/lighter with the previewer compared to what is actually uploaded onto the roblox website. could only be me though.

Don’t worry, colors appear lighter on the previewer on my side too. Could be the lighting system they’re using.

this looks incredibly useful for all the 2d clothing artists out there!!

This tool has a limitation to how the clothing appears in different lighting conditions if that is an important factor, if necessary.

If you could add an option to use body parts that you currently have equipped as the preview model that would be great. For example, if someone uses the Superhero Torso/Arms, and the Thane of the Fen leg, which are 2 different packages. You could maybe have an option to type in your @username and it would use your avatar as the model. This would help with shading clothing to fit a certain body shape

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The clothing on the website is a bit brighter than how it actually looks ingame.