Clothing thumbnails don't load randomly on some clothes

I have a groups with shirts in them.

In 2 groups I have the same shirt.

In the first one, the shirt’s thumbnail loads properly:

But in the second one, it doesn’t load and shows this image:

It’s only happening to that single shirt, but it doesn’t seem to load no matter how much I refresh the page.

And it doesn’t load on the shirt’s page either.

Yet it’s not content deleted, and it load’s the shirt’s image just fine.

The bugged shirt:


Hiya, this seems to be a problem with it being moderated rather than the website being bugged. Are other users able to wear the shirt and see that they’re wearing the shirt? If not, I’d suggest making a post in #moderation-review-requests, since the shirt was likely incorrectly moderated.


I’ve had this issue in the past, usually I just try to re-upload it a few more times until it eventually works because the thumbnail is vital if you want people to buy the asset.


I know friends that still have this problem one of them had to upload a shirt 6 times for it to get uploaded and allowed to be worn in game.