Clothing Wrapping Problem

Usually whenever I make clothing, the positionings of the clothes I do almost never line up properly when on R6 characters VS R15 characters.

Issue: When working with clothing, the clothing I make usually breaks when switched to R6, or vice versa. The positioning gets messed up and results in the clothing looking really messed up.

I’ve found a workaround where I just make 2 versions of the broken clothing that’s compatible for both versions, but that’s costly and I wish there was a better way of doing it.

I wish roblox could fix this (presumably) really old issue, or at the very least just add a system in for 2D clothing where you have the option to make the clothing change depending on whether or not the player is R6 or R15

Images of the issue:

Currently, the legs are mapped slightly different where it would stretch at the extremes. Changing it currently would also impact other clothing, which would also draw some opposition to the change.

You can either make it all for only one rig type, create a customized rig with slightly different mapping or just continue the two separate designs for that reason.

I should also note that the R15 has animations which cause not all the seams to be visible, so you might take that in for a factor if it is necessary.

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Oh yeah, i’ve noticed a huge issue where some of the R15 animations reveal too much of the leg segments and then show a weird repeating texture in the center of the lower legs
they replicate the bottom of the pants texture, so whenever i use R15, it sometimes shows boots in my avatar’s knees because of it