Cloud Localization Support Extended to 45 Languages

It does depend on the region, but the overall picture says that the majority of people speak Russian fluently. There are ~50% fluent Russian speakers in the Western Ukraine and up to 90% fluent speakers in Eastern and Southern parts of the country. I visit Ukraine regularly and all the people I’ve been speaking to understood me.
The best solution would be adding “change language” button in the menu (not my idea), so people would know that there is a language they may understand. I just know A LOT of Ukrainian people(they speak Russian) who had no clue that the games they play are translated to Russian. It is also important to mention, that for a Ukrainian person it is easier to comprehend Russian than English, due to nearly the same grammar and many similar words.


I’m soooo glad that Roblox is expanding to the whole world, and now we will be able to share our diversity of cultures way more than before :+1:


This is great! Can’t wait for the future of localization!


We will look into supporting this!


Woah This will be really useful for all games!


I tested on the mobile application we can not see what we translate logos and thumbnails, so I think it will be necessary to put the translated logos and thumbnails on the mobile application


Wow, this is amazing. I can’t wait for more languages. I am also looking into localizations into my games.


I also feel that roblox is really looking to expand and make it more available for people around the world.


Please do! I would LOVE to “plunder the treasure house” in jailbreak. It would be especially fun to add these languages to your own game :grinning:

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I’m trying to select Dutch on Languages, and it won’t let me. Is anyone else experiencing this? I’ve tried on my other laptop and other accounts, and same result. I’m unsure of other languages.

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Works fine on my end – please file a bug report with sufficient details to reproduce it if you keep encountering it. Also check if you have any browser extensions or so that may be interfering.

Just noting this, but keep in mind that the languages are displayed in your own language, so it might not be listed as “Dutch” but rather “Nederlands”.


What’s the point of including languages which fonts you don’t support?

For example Georgian, when I insert text in Georgian script it can’t recognize it. For that I will have to use Image instead of text, but I don’t think there’s way to show players images based on their location(country).

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Where can I find a full list of locale codes (eg. en-US) that are supported?

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Click in the Studio the localization plugin and choose a language.



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