Cluttered Anti-Cheat v1.0.0 | A Simple, Highly Customizable, and Open-Source Anti-Cheat

Cluttered Anti-Cheat: A Simple, Customizable, and Open-Source Anti-Cheat

What Does It Offer?

  • Whitelist System: Allow trusted players not to be detected as cheating.
  • Noclip Detection: Detects players noclipping.
  • Speed Hack Detection: Detects players increasing their speed on the client.
  • Teleport Detection: Detects players teleporting.
  • Strikes System: Keeps track of how many times a player has gotten flagged for cheating, and when to kick them out of the game.
  • Anti-Cheat Bypass: A unique feature for handling false positives. (more on this below).

Why Choose Cluttered Anti-Cheat?

What sets Cluttered Anti-Cheat apart from others is not just the customizability and it being open-source, but because of the Anti-Cheat Bypass system. (see below)

Anti-Cheat Bypass:
False positives are a known issue for most (if not all) anti-cheats. Cluttered Anti-Cheat happens to solve this with a system made of BoolValues linked to each player.

When enabled for a player, this value temporarily disables anti-cheat checks for them. This is perfect for scenarios like in-game teleport pads or events that might be flagged as cheating. Once the action is complete, disable the bypass to continue checking them for any exploits.

Easy for everyone

Customization is a priority for Cluttered Anti-Cheat. A detailed Configuration table lets you change settings to suit your needs. Each option is explained with comments to ensure you understand everything.

Additionally, the script itself has many comments, helping you understand how everything works and letting you make changes yourself if you need.

Ongoing Development

Cluttered Anti-Cheat is a growing project, feedback is heavily needed. If you encounter bugs or have suggestions for new features, don’t hesitate to share them!

Get Cluttered Anti-Cheat


Note: Sorry if I explained some parts a little weird or you don’t understand. If you have any questions I’m happy to help as soon as possible!

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