Cmdr: A fully extensible and type safe command console for Roblox Developers

There is a few just search up “how to set up cmdr roblox” or something like that and they’ll show up

Shouldn’t a boolean be an enum and parsed into a boolean value?

How do I make it so you can open it on mobile?

local CmdrClient = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CmdrClient"))

	if text:lower() == "cmdr" then

I forgot to say it, but i figured it out. I mashed it with TopbarPlus actually.

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How do I set a players permissions?

You would set up your permissions with a BeforeRun hook.

How would I do a command to all, me or others.

Types | Cmdr (

Huh. I still don’t understand.

The actual link is here:

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Thanks! That is very helpful! I have been wondering how to do it.

I have noticed that a lot of people use CMDR simply because of the UI design. I was very suprised when I heard this from younger developers but in many cases it is true.

CMDR should have an option to choose if you want a setup with simple moderation commands or not. This would be also a cool way to create a new Patreon option for more complex setups.


does anyone have a setup guide for this? confusing for me

There is a setup guide here, hope it helps.

That’s the issue, guide is too complicated for noob scripters like me.

Some posts above, someone sent a setup guide video, check it out it might help.

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How do I create permissions for admins, and how to block all commands for normal users.

You would configure permissions via Hooks, specifically the BeforeRun hook. I recommend looking at this to understand how you would use them.

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Woah! This is insane, I love it! Thank you so much for this CMD GUI It helps us alot!