Cmdr: A fully extensible and type safe command console for Roblox Developers

I’ve made an small plugin for the people who don’t know how to install Cmdr this does all the job for you.

P.S.A. If you already have Cmdr installed with this plugin and run it again the plugin will update the Cmdr module

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This doesn’t create a BeforeRun hook, so commands won’t run in-game. You should also have it enable HttpService (if plugins can do that).

My mistake on the first I forgot that part as for the later plugins do not have permissions for that but I will be sure to add an warning about that to the plugin output.

EDIT: The plugin is now updated it is now a bit more organised and now has the BeforeRun.
This was supposed to be an quick 10 min project but I will open source it on github since some people might actually need this and the code isn’t the best and it just works and I will probably not update the code anytime soon. I will still update the plugin if major changes occur on the repro.

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I literally dont understand how do I paste this in studio?

Your module is not working, When I require the CmdrClient then it says it is not valid member of Cmdr and when I put the CmdrClient on RS it will get an error when loading in server.

the client script gets moved into Replicated when Cmdr is first required on the server. It might not be there yet when you are trying to require it, especially if you are requiring it from a localscript. Try using a :WaitForChild() or another method to be sure it is there before requiring it.

I just installed this last week and it worked for me after ironing out a similar issue I had.

I’ve used CMDR for a while, thank you for open sourcing this it’s so useful and handy!


Why is RoStrap stuck on loading screen?

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RoStrap’s plugin no longer works. You can download the Cmdr file from Github to install it instead.


Are there any basic commands prebuilt in the cmd bar or is it just a solid cmd bar for devs to tweak?

it comes with built in commands, but you have to load them using Cmdr:RegisterDefaultCommands()

Haha, thanks for helping me with Cmdr.
I found this on my Youtube recommended, and I watched it a bunch of times.
Then I became a member and now I am back at the Cmdr Post.
and I found ur reply

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I think you were supposed to put the client script in starterplayerscripts.

How would you make custom commands such as add a tag or add a record?

Learn how to code lua.
Then I would suggest reading up on the cmdr docs.
Try and create a simple command that says “Hi”
Slowly go advanced,
thats how i did it lol

Cmdr Post


So, In my code I am trying to make a command with wonderful Cmdr, but I don’t have access to their discord.
This is the only reasonable place to put this post on anyways, since this is roblox related. However I am concerned if people on the devforums know little about cmdr.
I understand if this will be flagged, as I am very terrible at categorizing topics.

Back to the topic,
I was making a command that will check the specified player’s status.
If they are staff, banned, and so on.
However, the command was running on client side, so I had to use remoteFunction/
I want to return, the return from the remotefunction onto the command if that makes sense.
Here is my code
Narrowed the code down to prevent guests from stealing it.

			local LOL = "something"
			local Players = game:GetService("Players");
			local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService");
			local e = game.ReplicatedStorage.eventcontainer.checkFunction:InvokeServer(playerId)
			return e 

Super smooth to set up, huge thanks for this.

I have noticed however that AutoExec for aliases does not seem to be working? Built in aliases defined using AutoExec in command definitions don’t appear valid, nor are my custom defined ones.

E.g. mine

AutoExec = {
		"alias \"day|Set the time to permanent day.\" time noon";
		"alias \"night|Set the time to permanent night.\" time midnight";
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Ok, So. I added it, It works. BUT is there a way to resctrict it for certain Group and ranks?

Use a BeforeRun hook to check if the player has a certain rank in a group using

Do you know if there is any tutorial vid for it?