How can I make a command on cmdr that makes the executor view the player they selected? (with cmdr obviously)
I’m lost, I’ll attached screenshots below
Here is the “view” module:
return {
Name = "view";
Aliases = {};
Description = "View a player";
Group = "DefaultAdmin";
Args = {
Type = "player";
Name = "Player";
Description = "The player you want to view";
And the “viewServer” module:
return function (_, players)
return ("Viewing player")
As you can see, I’m lost with the viewServer module, I have no idea where to start
return {
Name = "view";
Aliases = {};
Description = "View a player";
Group = "DefaultAdmin";
Args = {
Type = "player";
Name = "Player";
Description = "The player you want to view";
ClientRun = function(context, player)
workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
return (Viewing player)
Okay so I won’t make the unview command since you can just do view . to view yourself, but it does this strange thing with the camera which makes your camera behind their avatar and not snappy
Changing the CameraSubject to Humanoid seems to fix this, I’ll do some final tests to check if it works and mark your reply as the solution if I fix it