**Co-Author Found**

Hello, I’m Merchaant.

Currently, I’m writing a book on using Lua coding in and around Roblox Studio.

I’m pretty far in, but I’ve come to realize that I won’t be able to make a helpful book if it’s just myself that’s writing it.

I need somebody else with an exceptionally large understanding of Lua in such a way that you’re able to teach new users how to start getting into it.

Here are the details:

As the co-author, you will receive 50% of all sales, so that you’ll be matched with myself.

The payments, of course, would be provided AFTER the book has been published.

If you’re looking for an immediate payment, I’m afraid this isn’t the project for you. :sad:

Currently, I need somebody with a strong understanding of Lua, and how to explain it to beginners.

The book’s being written in a Google Document, but will be transported to another program once completed.

I have the book set up in such a way where it will be pretty simple to add a new section or topic to go over.

I’m already pretty deep into the writing, but I need somebody with more experience to help out with this.

As the co-author, you’ll be going throughout the book adding new sections to go over for teaching beginners the basics of Lua.

You’ll also be editing things to make everything more clear to readers.

The cover can be found at the following link
Note: this is not the final version of the cover. Will have to edit the Lua logo to make it fit their requirements

If I seem to have forgotten anything, please let me know so that I can add it here!


Is this a pure Lua book, or a book teaching you how to use Lua for the purpose of roblox game development?

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Yeah, it’s learning how to use Lua in Roblox development; I’ll add that.

It’s a lua book, but the person who knows lua only earns 50%?

What do you do?

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What no I didn’t say I didn’t know Lua

Why are you looking for someone else?

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I… just need help?

Am I still signed up for this?

You were interested in reviewing it right?

Yes, I agreed to be the editor and reviewer, but then I got no updates from you for a while so I wasn’t sure what was going on.

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Adding you now, thought I’d responded! Must’ve typed the message but not hit send.

However, this is the editing job – not exactly co-author, but you’ll be paid and credited appropriately.

Please be easy with your power in the Doc! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have received the message. But why do I have a cake emoji next to my name?

Today your RBXDev “anniversary.”

Have I really been in RBXDev for a year? Wow.

I’m interested, but I’m not a really good writer :confused:

I like the explicit details on how to create a new game and such, but the scripting tutorials, in my opinion, could be a lot better organized. When I teach people scripting, I like to have a logical procession in which one aspect is explained at a time and no aspects are shown that have not yet been explained.

Yeah definitely a lot I’ve still gotta do for the finished product

if the job is taken, make sure to let people on this topic know.

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Who got it?


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