Coast Grill Rank Information

Here you can find a full list of each of the ranks here at Coast Grill. We have not only provided descriptions on what their role is at our establishment but also their duties as well as the rank limits.

Low ranks:
Coast Customer - Coast Customers are the most important role when it comes to Coast Grill. They help our community by being our consumers to help us grow.

       Rank Limit: Unlimited

Noted Customer - Noted Customers are either resigned executive members or important members. This rank cannot be earned and you must be selected for it.

        Rank Limit: Unlimited

Affiliate Representatives - This rank is specially for members that represent our alliances.

        Rank Limit: Unlimited

Nitro Customer - Nitro Customers are those who have bought the Nitro Customer game pass located in-game or in the Coast Grill description.

        Rank Limit: Unlimited

Trainee - Trainees are those who have passed through our application process and are in need of training.

        Rank Limit: Unlimited

Junior Waiter/Waitress - Junior Waiter/Waitress are employees that passed 1 training session. They greet guests, take orders, and serve customers at the grill.

        Rank Limit: Unlimited

Waiter/Waitress - Waiter/Waitress are employees that passed 2 training sessions. They greet guests, take orders, and serve customers at the grill.

      Rank Limit: Unlimited

Senior Waiter/Waitress - Junior Waiter/Waitress are employees that passed 3 training sessions. They greet guests, take orders, and serve customers at the grill

     Rank Limit: Unlimited

Kitchen Leader - Junior Waiter/Waitress are employees that passed 4 training sessions. They greet guests, take orders, and serve customers at the grill. There are no further promotions that involve training.

     Rank Limit: Unlimited

Middle ranks:
Staff Assistant - Staff Assistant are newly hired uncertified MR. They are required to go through a certification process within a week in order to begin their duties at Coast Grill.

       Rank Limit: 30

Supervisor - Supervisors are in charge of attending sessions and helping customers. They also must make sure that the grill is operating and running well.

       Rank Limit: 25

Assistant Manager - Assistant Manager is in charge of hosting shifts and assisting the Manager, in the work that is needed. They can also host sessions and must make sure everyone is doing their job at the grill.

       Rank Limit: 20

Manager - Managers are to make sure that every operation in the bar & grill is running smoothly with no issues. They are able to host shifts and sessions as well.

       Rank Limit: 15

Executive Assistant - The Executive Assistant is tasked with the general operation of the grill and ensuring that every aspect of the grill is running smoothly without any issues. They also are able to host sessions and shifts.

      Rank Limit: 10

High ranks:

Management Director - Management Directors are responsible for creating a developed, organizational system at Coast Grill. They are in charge of monitoring staff performance, as well as creating new work arrangements for workers to follow when they do their jobs. This includes handbooks, guides, and enforcing the rules and regulations to ensure Coast Grill shows absolute professionalism and behavior.

      Rank Limit: 3

Communications Director - Communication Directors are responsible for handling relations with other groups. They are to coordinate the events that Coast Grill hosts and make sure the group keeps a good reputation.

     Rank Limit: 3

Human Resource Director - Human Resource Directors are responsible for employment and resource management. This means they are in charge of employees that work at Coast Grill. They control the staff team and make sure promotions and demotions are made under the correct circumstances.

     Rank Limit: 3

Board Of Director - Board Of Directors makes sure all the departments are operating. This position represents a big role in the group, as they make sure everything in the group is up and running smoothly.

     Rank Limit: 3

Vice President: The Vice President is the co-owner of the group and makes sure that the group is operating and running smoothly.

      Rank Limit: 2

President: The Chairman is in charge of the overall operation of the company of Coast Grill.

        Rank Limit: 1