Coconutiez | Public Handbook

Coconutiez | Public Handbook

“Flavorful with the breezes of elegance.”

Coconutiez is a fine restaurant which searches the horizon to find new and exquisite tastes of paradise. We provide many flavorful tropical dishes that are handcrafted with ingredients right off of the shores of one of Hawaii’s smaller islands.

Our hard-working and dedicated staff are a key to helping us deliver you the best kind of experience imaginable.

We were founded on 2/10/21 by the SxmplyyAlyssa, Jennaluvv, and oVictoxria.

Table of Contents:

1: Guidelines
2: Ranks
3: Affiliate Information
4: Cookbook
5: How to get promoted to Staff Intern/Staff Assistant
6: FAQ

1: Guidelines

Respect - We ask that everyone respects one another so that our community remains non-toxic and peaceful. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Swearing - We don’t tolerate any form of swearing in our community.

Discrimination - We ask that you don’t discriminate anyone in our community because of their voice, race, gender, religion, or culture. We want our community to be welcoming no matter the case.

NSFW Content - Please don’t post anything that is inappropriate to a number of our audiences, whether this is in-game at any of our facilities or in our discord server.

Spam - We ask that you do not spam in our group or in our discord server, this is to avoid a build-up of messages that may or may not be appropriate.

Advertising and Scams - We ask that you don’t advertise in our group or attempt to scam our group members. Also, some people may not be active when you are due to other important things going on.

2: Ranks

At Coconutiez, we use ranks to organize our group and organize our trust levels for certain members. You are able to work your way up the ranks by being active and professional at all times.

LR/Customer Ranks:

Coconutiez Fam (∞)
Our customers which have joined and supported our official Roblox group.

Noted Customer (∞)
Former HRs+, Ally Representatives, or former Developers.

Awaiting Training (∞)
A customer which has passed our Staff Applications but is yet to work at Coconutiez as they will need to train for the role they desire and pass it first.

Host, Waiter, or Chef (∞)
Hosts, Waiters, and Chefs are our main staff who operate at the restaurant during shifts and play a part in each customer’s satisfaction.

Head Host, Waiter, or Chef (∞)
Our Head Staff are a group of selected individuals chosen by the Employment Assistants+ at Coconutiez. We believe that they deserve a promotion as they have expressed what activity and professionalism at Coconutiez means to us. They will work with other Head Staff at shifts to make sure each role is doing their job correctly as well as spectating any trainings beforehand.

Staff Intern (∞)
Staff Interns are Staff Assistants which are yet to be trained for an MR role. As Head Staff, their activity was consistent and stable and we believe that over activity and spectating enough trainings, that they are ready to take on an MR role at our restaurant. Staff Interns must go through a trial before they become an official Staff Assistant.

MR Ranks:

Staff Assistant (40)
Our Staff Assistants supervise the restaurant and have access to all jobs. They are also challenged with completing MR+ tasks as well as assisting at trainings.

Employment Assistant (35)
Employment Assistants are in charge of supervising the restaurant as well, except that they are managing the Head Staff and Staff Assistant teams as well as managing SA trials.

Supervisor (25)
Supervisors oversee each Staff Assistant trial and make sure everything runs smoothly while still completing tasks such as overseeing trainings and supervising the restaurant as stated above.

HR Ranks:

Manager (15)
Managers oversee the MR team within Coconutiez. They are also challenged with fulfilling tasks based on a department which they are free to choose.

Shift Leader (10)
Shift Leaders assist the Chief Officer of their department as their Senior Corporate with managing the department of their choice, the trial for the department, as well as with distributing tasks to their own department.

Developer Ranks:

Developer (∞)
Our Developers are hired by our Chief Development Officer, which are contributors to any of our group’s facilities.

Chief Development Officer (2)
Our Chief Development Officer(s) oversee all development and manage the projects. They are closely affiliated with the Presidential Team and assist the Presidential Team in hiring the right Developers and managing each of our assets which fits us perfectly.

SHR Ranks:

Chief Public Relations Officer (2)
Our Chief Public Relations Officer(s) manages the Public Relations department within Coconutiez. They are in charge of acting as one of our ally representatives for each of our affiliates as well as distributing tasks to their own department.

Chief Staffing Officer (2)
Our Chief Staffing Officer(s) manages the Staffing department within Coconutiez. They are in charge of reviewing applications, promotions/demotions, and most importantly overseeing our staff at a higher authority.

Chief Administration Officer (2)
Our Chief Administration Officer(s) manages the Administration department within Coconutiez. They manage our rules and guidelines and keep our community safe as well as managing our discord server.

Presidential Team:

Presidential Assistant (2)
Our Presidential Assistants assist the President and Vice President with guiding the group forward and making executive decisions on the most important and urgent announcements and responses. Everything considering Coconutiez is shared with the Presidential Team members, meaning that they can all throw a decision on it as well.

Vice President (1)
The Vice President assists the President in helping Coconutiez forward at all times. They act as a guide even to our SHRs at Coconutiez in making sure that they oversee the correct operations at all times.

President (1)
The President is the creator of Coconutiez. They assist the other members of the Presidential Team in making sure that Coconutiez takes a right direction with every action we take.

3: Affiliate Information

At Coconutiez, we would like to offer the possibility in sharing an experience together with our community. While our community experiences it already, we’d like to push it beyond the limits. While we hope to see a lot of smiles on our community’s faces, we also decide to ally with a number of groups to assist them with anything they need that can do.

At Coconutiez, we have some Affiliate Requirements that your group is required to have in order to send in an application, such as:
• You are required to have 25+ non-botted members in your group.
• You are required to have 10+ people in your discord.
• Your community must be active and welcoming towards one another.
• You must not sell any ranks or have a record of doing so in the past.
• Your group must have an industry, it cannot be a military, troll, or fan group.
• You must be able to offer 2 Ally Representatives if the partnership was accepted.
• The founders of your group cannot be on any bad terms with our community.

If your group meets those requirements, go ahead and send your application to the Chief Public Relation Officer(s).

Application format:
1: What is your group name? Can you provide a link to it?
2: Tell us a little bit about your group.
3: How can your group benefit Coconutiez?
4: How can Coconutiez benefit you?
5: What is your goal for your group?
6: Let’s say this application was accepted, who would you provide as your representatives?
7: Do you agree to shout any announcements we need shouted in yours? We will do the same for you.
8: Do you understand that if your group violates our guidelines at any time, we have the right to terminate your affiliation with Coconutiez without hesitation?

Please be patient when sending us this application. It will be discussed amongst our Public Relations department and Presidential Team if we should accept your application or not. Normally once you send in an application, it’ll take anywhere from 24 hours to a week, depending on the activity of those needed to vote on the application’s status.

4: Cookbook

Here is a list of everything you can make as a Chef at our restaurant:


Water: Cup + Water + Option of Ice

Lemonade: Cup + Lemonade + Ice

Tea: Cup + Tea + Option of Ice

Fruit Juice:
Mango Banana: Cup + Mango Slices + Banana Slices + Blender
Cherry and Kiwi: Cup + Cherries + Kiwi Slices + Blender

Strawberry: Cup + Milk + Strawberries + Ice + Blender
Pineapple: Cup + Milk + Pineapple Slices + Sugar + Ice + Blender
Banana: Cup + Milk + Three Bananas + Ice + Blender


Fruit Kebabs: Plate + Sticks + Strawberries + Kiwi Slices + Pineapple Slices + One Banana

Cheese Sticks: Plate + Mozzarella Sticks + Bread Coating + Oven

Vegetable Dip + Plate + Dip Cup + Ranch + Carrots + Cucumbers


Coconutiez’s Soup: Bowl + Broth + Sausage + Vegetables + All Spices

Cheese and Pickle Sandwich: Plate + Two slices of Bread + Chicken + Bread crumbs + Cheese + Pickles

Chicken and Shrimp: Plate + Chicken + Shrimp + Zucchini + Dip Cup + Ranch

Chicken and Rice Platter: Plate + Rice + Chicken + Diced Tomatoes + All Spices

Chicken and Fruit Salad: Plate + Chicken + Bread + Banana Slices + Kiwi Slices + Mango Slices

Lettuce and Mango Stir fry: Plate + Pasta + Lettuce + Mango

Lemon Dipped Chicken and Rice: Plate + Chicken + Lemon + Rice


Banana Cake: Plate + Banana + Cream + Strawberries + Bananas + Mango Slices + Chocolate and Granola Sauce

Chocolate and Mango Pie: Plate + Pie Crust + Mango Slices + Chocolate

Strawberry and Kiwi Donuts: Plate + Vanilla Donut + Strawberries + Kiwi Slices


5: How to get promoted to Staff Intern/Staff Assistant

At Coconutiez, we make sure that we promote those who work hard for their rank. We try to make sure that we pick those we promote wisely, while we make sure everyone’s hard work never goes unnoticed, even if we don’t think you’re quite ready.

1: Make sure your activity is balanced at both during shifts and spectating trainings.
2: Don’t hint. Hinting about a rank that’s higher than you will only lower your chances of being promoted that week at all.
3: Be helpful. Even if you can’t do much for your rank, it’s expected that you help regular staff of the same rank if needed. You were picked for Head staff for a reason in the first place.
4: Have fun. If you’re stressed, take a break, it won’t affect your activity if you go away for a short period.


6: FAQ

Q: Do you free-rank people?
A: No, we do not. We want to see people’s skills before we rank them up multiple ranks. If you’re professional and active enough, it should be easy to get a high rank at Coconutiez.

Q: Are you hiring developers?
A: It depends on if we’re working on any facilities or not at the time. We will make an announcement in our discord server if we are.

Q: What can I do to support Coconutiez?
A: To support us, just join our community and invite your friends. We want to make sure that all of our customers have a smile on their face at all times!

Group link: Coconutiez - Roblox
Training Schedule: Coming soon

Restaurant: Coming soon
Interview Center: Coming soon
Training Center: Coming soon
Application Center: Coconutiez Application Center - Roblox
Event Center: Coming soon
Written by the SHRs at Coconutiez.

Approved by the Presidential Team.