Code Assist Beta: AI powered code completion

This went from never having a suggestion, to always having a suggestion. It closes blocks prematurely…lol…It copies code from above lol and pastes it as a suggestion instead of writing something new…It’s the giver of solutions that don’t work…lol…instead of outputting script in an empty document with an idea commented in, it just gives more ideas as comments…but…I still think it’s cool…I find it difficult to articulate my ideas to ai code assistants to get the results I want but I can also learn from all the script it returns… but I was wondering if I’m going to need tokens to use the Roblox AI assistant on the website and in studio, “regularly” lol because I have a lot of questions and I keep running out of tokens in all the lil spin off RoAiAssistants!??


Stop putting this pop up. I pressed DISAGREE because I DO NOT WANT THIS FEATURE ENABLED. If I click DISAGREE, the POP-UP should DISAPPEAR, and it should NOT PLACE A PROMPT IN MY FACE every time I open studio. It should REMEMBER my preference. If I wanted to enable this feature, maybe, just maybe I would go ahead and do it myself!

There is ZERO reason for this pop up to be constantly shoved in my face, unless Roblox has put some legal disclaimers in some 10 page “agreement” that forces me to sign away my rights to all my code and allow Roblox to use my code to train their model. I DON’T WANT TO DO THAT. I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT, so STOP ASKING.


Tomorrow this behavior will be updated and you should no longer see the popup after rejecting unless you reenable the feature in settings, thanks for your patience!

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The AI isn’t that good or fast, Google opensourced Gemini (as Gemma) recently. Maybe integrating it would work better, plus the 7b instruction model could deliver incredible features or generations.


As a part-time coder, I believe we’re still a long way from AI replacing skilled developers. When I challenge GPT with complex problems, its limitations become apparent, suggesting it will be years before AI can truly match the capabilities of human coders.


How about now with Gemini Pro, or GPT-4o?


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