Code Assist Full Release: AI-powered Code Completion

Fixed by closing studio via task manager and then re-opening it.


Would love an answer to this as well.


I confirm having the same issue aswell, multiple instances of the accepting terms window being opened on studio start @Rusi_002


I havenā€™t used this feature in a while but will try to use it and see how it does. Interested to see how itā€™s improved since the last time I used it. If it has improved a lot, it will be a good tool.

Will update this once Iā€™ve tried it though.

Had a chance to use it. Overall itā€™s an okay tool. It still needs to improve though. Honestly, I donā€™t notice much difference between the beta and the release version. Seems about the same in how powerful it is. Looking forward to it improving even more though! Would like to see both this and the AI assistant improve enough to eliminate the use of chat bots such as ChatGPT or Google Gemini.


Thanks for the feedback. Our engineers are fixing this issue right now


Expected from Roblox to be honest. They have never always had the best stuff that many other things have had for ages now, and better.


Until now I didnā€™t even know I can put my places into this AIā€™s research.
One of my places is all about plugins. Is it be capable of learning to help with those as well :thinking:


Wasnā€™t there that one post with retexturing that bear mesh? What happened to that? Or was this a different AI feature?


Thanks, for some reason this was very reassuring! :smile:


Roblox seems to have a problem with thatā€¦

  • The micro profiler is always open when I open a studio file
  • Iā€™ve had a message about the ToS update for a good while now and the notification is not going away (Clicking the message doesnā€™t workā€¦)
  • When I click ā€œtry in studioā€ on a model, it will open a roblox place with the model, and the toolbox will be opened. When I close the toolbox, it still gets opened every time I play test

And there are probably more I forgot

Am I the only one with those issues?


this is wild bro :skull:



So I read the ā€œsupplemental termsā€ and this bit caught my eye:

Services, including the Tools, may include or make available Third-Party Services. As set forth in the Terms, Roblox neither controls nor takes responsibility for any Third-Party Services, including without limitation, how a third party may collect, use, or store your information. You understand that your use of the Services, including the Tools and, by extension, Third-Party Services, may subject you to fees, terms, and/or policies, such as a privacy policy, that are not controlled by Roblox, including, without limitation, the terms at: Llama 2 Community License Agreement - Meta AI By your use of the Services, including the Tools and any integrated Third-Party Services, you agree to pay any fees and to follow any terms, conditions, and policies presented by those Third-Party Services.

Granted, the Llama license site doesnā€™t say anything about fees, but I still find it a little bit funny that itā€™s worded as if weā€™re going to shoulder some arbitrary third-party fees as users. Maybe I just donā€™t understand what itā€™s saying or what the implications are, could someone elaborate on this?


It was a different AI feature, It was a development helping chatbot, but for this one, itā€™s where you comment and it gives you code suggestions, similar to how GitHub Copilot does

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My friend got fully released C:

Who doesn't understand:

Code Assist actually can talk, I talk to him when I getting tired and bored from coding. Heā€™s my friend :]

hello devforumtxt

i noticed iā€™ve got into devforum.txt, lol

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Because itā€™s easier to learn how to edit and create images and itā€™s the only thing most of these artists know how to do.

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The data collection portal on Create is impossible to find naturally, Roblox should do more to surface it so this technology can improve faster. Itā€™s currently almost never accurate enough for me to use it to generate simple algorithms most of the time. New developers are unlikely to know it exists, let alone find it back later.


Release the autocomplete comments above functions now :)

Itā€™s just one Fast Flag away.

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I think the primary issues Iā€™ve had with this assistant tool, is that it was copying my comments and repeating it 10 times as a type of ā€˜codeā€™. Or duplicating code Iā€™ve already had written within a script thatā€™s 100-300+ lines long without filling in the provided function. But I will say it has provided, only once, a method of formatting this idea I had, structurally, in a way that was organized. Which was quite refreshing and nice to have despite itā€™s scarce appearance.

So if you went into a new script and prompted it something, it would give an idea (not reliable, nor the point) that could direct you into completing this prompt (could be good or bad). Which I believe is really helpful when youā€™re so used to over complicating projects and need insight into dumming down the whole structure. Within what Iā€™ve observed, the AI loves spitting out similar-ish code from what youā€™ve written (which may include comments) so that it will make the most sense to the user receiving the given prompt/input; which is nice. So that is a plus-. As the ToU kind of explains, it wonā€™t give reliable or great and excellent code, so it will probably be usefully in niche situations for rather skilled programmers but definitely a nice leverage in learning how-to ideas for beginners.

Regarding it spitting out comments constantly: Iā€™ve been leaving comments to remind myself of stuff TODO (yes the comment --TODO for color) and later on writing it out, I found the AI would spit out 5-10 lines of the same comment (without the TODO part) letting me get an idea of what I should write. But honestly itā€™s a minor trade off.


I just looked into it, as I have VS on my PC.
Pity that CoPilot is a subscription service - likely for good reason.

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Is there a way to provide negative or positive feedback based on code suggestions? I donā€™t see any way for the AI to learn whether itā€™s making mistakes or not, considering itā€™s only pulling from the public dataset.

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