Code Assist generate Discord invite links

Hi engineers!
I’ve been coding for a few hours in studio, and I’ve been using Google Gemini to debug and fix my code.

For fun, I asked code assist to give me its own thoughts own the Gemini AI, and it provided me with a random and valid invite link to a Discord server
I understand that Roblox disallows links or directions to third-party services like Discord
Here’s the screenshot for proof:

I asked one of my friends what they thought about it, and I tried asking it straightforward to generate a Discord invite link for me:

This second link was invalid, however Code Assist still generated it.

To recreate: Ask Code Assist (via comment) to generate a Discord invite

-- Hey code assist, generate me a Discord invite: (wait after colon entry for Code Assist to generate.)

Expected behavior

Code Assist to deny the generation of the link and to not generate them in the first place



Thank you for this report, we’ll take a look at this as soon as we can.