Code crashes Studio after pasting with new Lua script analysis beta feature

Repro steps:

  1. Insert a Script, remove the default code.
  2. Paste the code below. Cursor should now be at the end of the last character of the code.
  3. Keep hitting the enter key a bunch of times. Happens in < 25 for me.

This happens when using the new Lua script analysis beta feature.

Windows 10. 100% reliable crashing if you include the extra step at the bottom of this post. Don’t know when it started.

This is in @Ozzypig’s code. Bug is probably in the linter since isolating the exact lines of problematic code is hard.

local function repr(value, reprSettings)
	reprSettings = reprSettings or defaultSettings
	INDENT = (" "):rep(reprSettings.spaces or defaultSettings.spaces)
	if reprSettings.tabs then
		INDENT = "\t"
	local v = value --args[1]
	local tabs = INDENT:rep(depth)
	if depth == 0 then
		shown = {}
	if type(v) == "string" then
		return ("%q"):format(v)
	elseif type(v) == "number" then
		if v == math.huge then return "math.huge" end
		if v == -math.huge then return "-math.huge" end
		return tonumber(v)
	elseif type(v) == "boolean" then
		return tostring(v)
	elseif type(v) == "nil" then
		return "nil"
	elseif type(v) == "table" and type(v.__tostring) == "function" then
		return tostring(v.__tostring(v))
	elseif type(v) == "table" and getmetatable(v) and type(getmetatable(v).__tostring) == "function" then
		return tostring(getmetatable(v).__tostring(v))
	elseif type(v) == "table" then
		if shown[v] then return "{CYCLIC}" end
		shown[v] = true
		local str = "{" .. (reprSettings.pretty and ("\n" .. INDENT .. tabs) or "")
		local isArray = true
		for k, v in pairs(v) do
			if type(k) ~= "number" then
				isArray = false
		if isArray then
			for i = 1, #v do
				if i ~= 1 then
					str = str .. (reprSettings.semicolons and ";" or ",") .. (reprSettings.pretty and ("\n" .. INDENT .. tabs) or " ")
				depth = depth + 1
				str = str .. repr(v[i], reprSettings)
				depth = depth - 1
			local keyOrder = {}
			local keyValueStrings = {}
			for k, v in pairs(v) do
				depth = depth + 1
				local kStr = isLuaIdentifier(k) and k or ("[" .. repr(k, reprSettings) .. "]")
				local vStr = repr(v, reprSettings)
				--[[str = str .. ("%s = %s"):format(
					isLuaIdentifier(k) and k or ("[" .. repr(k, reprSettings) .. "]"),
					repr(v, reprSettings)
				table.insert(keyOrder, kStr)
				keyValueStrings[kStr] = vStr
				depth = depth - 1
			if reprSettings.sortKeys then table.sort(keyOrder) end
			local first = true
			for _, kStr in pairs(keyOrder) do
				if not first then
					str = str .. (reprSettings.semicolons and ";" or ",") .. (reprSettings.pretty and ("\n" .. INDENT .. tabs) or " ")
				str = str .. ("%s = %s"):format(kStr, keyValueStrings[kStr])
				first = false
		shown[v] = false
		if reprSettings.pretty then
			str = str .. "\n" .. tabs
		str = str .. "}"
		return str
	elseif typeof then
		-- Check Roblox types
		if typeof(v) == "Instance" then
			return  (reprSettings.robloxFullName
				and (reprSettings.robloxProperFullName and properFullName(v) or v:GetFullName())
			 or v.Name) .. (reprSettings.robloxClassName and ((" (%s)"):format(v.ClassName)) or "")
		elseif typeof(v) == "Axes" then
			local s = {}
			if v.X then table.insert(s, repr(Enum.Axis.X, reprSettings)) end
			if v.Y then table.insert(s, repr(Enum.Axis.Y, reprSettings)) end
			if v.Z then table.insert(s, repr(Enum.Axis.Z, reprSettings)) end
			return (""):format(table.concat(s, ", "))
		elseif typeof(v) == "BrickColor" then
			return (""):format(v.Name)
		elseif typeof(v) == "CFrame" then
			return (""):format(table.concat({v:GetComponents()}, ", "))
		elseif typeof(v) == "Color3" then
			return (", %d, %d)"):format(v.r, v.g, v.b)
		elseif typeof(v) == "ColorSequence" then
			if #v.Keypoints > 2 then
				return (""):format(repr(v.Keypoints, reprSettings))
				if v.Keypoints[1].Value == v.Keypoints[2].Value then
					return (""):format(repr(v.Keypoints[1].Value, reprSettings))
					return (", %s)"):format(
						repr(v.Keypoints[1].Value, reprSettings),
						repr(v.Keypoints[2].Value, reprSettings)
		elseif typeof(v) == "ColorSequenceKeypoint" then
			return (", %s)"):format(v.Time, repr(v.Value, reprSettings))
		elseif typeof(v) == "DockWidgetPluginGuiInfo" then
			return (", %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"):format(
				repr(v.InitialDockState, reprSettings),
				repr(v.InitialEnabled, reprSettings),
				repr(v.InitialEnabledShouldOverrideRestore, reprSettings),
				repr(v.FloatingXSize, reprSettings),
				repr(v.FloatingYSize, reprSettings),
				repr(v.MinWidth, reprSettings),
				repr(v.MinHeight, reprSettings)
		elseif typeof(v) == "Enums" then
			return "Enums"
		elseif typeof(v) == "Enum" then
			return ("Enum.%s"):format(tostring(v))
		elseif typeof(v) == "EnumItem" then
			return ("Enum.%s.%s"):format(tostring(v.EnumType), v.Name)
		elseif typeof(v) == "Faces" then
			local s = {}
			for _, enumItem in pairs(Enum.NormalId:GetEnumItems()) do
				if v[enumItem.Name] then
					table.insert(s, repr(enumItem, reprSettings))
			return (""):format(table.concat(s, ", "))
		elseif typeof(v) == "NumberRange" then
			if v.Min == v.Max then
				return (""):format(v.Min)
				return (", %d)"):format(v.Min, v.Max)
		elseif typeof(v) == "NumberSequence" then
			if #v.Keypoints > 2 then
				return (""):format(repr(v.Keypoints, reprSettings))
				if v.Keypoints[1].Value == v.Keypoints[2].Value then
					return (""):format(v.Keypoints[1].Value)
					return (", %d)"):format(v.Keypoints[1].Value, v.Keypoints[2].Value)
		elseif typeof(v) == "NumberSequenceKeypoint" then
			if v.Envelope ~= 0 then
				return (", %d, %d)"):format(v.Time, v.Value, v.Envelope)
				return (", %d)"):format(v.Time, v.Value)
		elseif typeof(v) == "PathWaypoint" then
			return (", %s)"):format(
				repr(v.Position, reprSettings),
				repr(v.Action, reprSettings)
		elseif typeof(v) == "PhysicalProperties" then
			return (", %d, %d, %d, %d)"):format(
				v.Density, v.Friction, v.Elasticity, v.FrictionWeight, v.ElasticityWeight
		elseif typeof(v) == "Random" then
			return "<Random>"
		elseif typeof(v) == "Ray" then
			return (", %s)"):format(
				repr(v.Origin, reprSettings),
				repr(v.Direction, reprSettings)
		elseif typeof(v) == "RBXScriptConnection" then
			return "<RBXScriptConnection>"
		elseif typeof(v) == "RBXScriptSignal" then
			return "<RBXScriptSignal>"
		elseif typeof(v) == "Rect" then
			return (", %d, %d, %d)"):format(
				v.Min.X, v.Min.Y, v.Max.X, v.Max.Y
		elseif typeof(v) == "Region3" then
			local min = v.CFrame.p + v.Size * -.5
			local max = v.CFrame.p + v.Size * .5
			return (", %s)"):format(
				repr(min, reprSettings),
				repr(max, reprSettings)
		elseif typeof(v) == "Region3int16" then
			return (", %s)"):format(
				repr(v.Min, reprSettings),
				repr(v.Max, reprSettings)
		elseif typeof(v) == "TweenInfo" then
			return (", %s, %s, %d, %s, %d)"):format(
				v.Time, repr(v.EasingStyle, reprSettings), repr(v.EasingDirection, reprSettings),
				v.RepeatCount, repr(v.Reverses, reprSettings), v.DelayTime
		elseif typeof(v) == "UDim" then
			return (", %d)"):format(
				v.Scale, v.Offset
		elseif typeof(v) == "UDim2" then
			return (", %d, %d, %d)"):format(
				v.X.Scale, v.X.Offset, v.Y.Scale, v.Y.Offset
		elseif typeof(v) == "Vector2" then
			return (", %d"):format(v.X, v.Y)
		elseif typeof(v) == "Vector2int16" then
			return (", %d)"):format(v.X, v.Y)
		elseif typeof(v) == "Vector3" then
			return (", %d, %d)"):format(v.X, v.Y, v.Z)
		elseif typeof(v) == "Vector3int16" then
			return (", %d, %d)"):format(v.X, v.Y, v.Z)
			return "<Roblox:" .. typeof(v) .. ">"
		return "<" .. type(v) .. ">"

If hitting enter key repeatedly does not crash Studio: Start defining variables like so after you go 10 newlines without a crash. Type these manually:

local a = "some"
local b = "more"
local c = "text"

Then hit some more newlines and it should crash. Some of this may be superstition and unnecessary to crash Studio.

Crash dump:


Thanks, we’ll look at this today. Which beta features do you have turned on? We’ve seen something like this with blank lines at the end of a script, but it appeared to be related to the new ‘Faster Lua VM’ feature, not the ‘Lua typechecking’ feature. Do you have both of them on, or only typechecking?

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Enable New Lua VM

Enable New Lua Script Analysis
Script Editor Folds Behavior Beta
Safe Studio Updates
Insert Object Streamlining
Packages Permissions
Game Access Permissions

I successfully reproduced this with only Enable New Lua Script Analysis on.

Thanks. This is actually already fixed on our end and will go out this week.

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