Code issues - Code isn't getting player vote

Hello, I would like to know what I am doing wrong and if someone can help me
I am creating a voting system and I need to take the vote of each player by pressing the button and then the number of their vote is shown in the textlabel

local character = game.Workspace.Player
local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)

	local votenumber = script.Parent.valvote.Value
	votenumber = player+1
	local text = script.Parent.TextLabel
	text.Text = "vote number: "..tostring(votenumber)



I would use tables for voting systems. What’re you doing here? Not sure if I’m wrong but I don’t think you can just do “+1” on a player instance.

votenumber = player+1

You can just do votenumber = votenumber + 1 and then make a check if the player already voted so if the player tries voting again it won’t count

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there’s an error:
Player is not a valid member of Workspace “Workspace” -


I’m beyond confused for this part, you can’t get the local player from the server, nor does “Player” exist in workspace unless you made an object for it

local voted = {} -- table to hold the players who voted

    if table.find(voted, player.UserId) then return end -- the player already voted
    table.insert(voted, player.UserId) -- add the player to a table

	local votenumber = script.Parent.valvote -- don't do ".Value" because it won't update anything
	votenumber.Value += 1 -- bascially votenumber.Value = votenumber.Value + 1 but easier
	local text = script.Parent.TextLabel
	text.Text = "vote number: "..tostring(votenumber.Value)

The player variable was defined after that script so it will error, and you wouldn’t need the player variable above anyway since you used a remote event only to get the player (which might be a bad idea) there probably won’t be a player in your game with the username of “player”

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Great, it works! How could I do it if there are 3 buttons? :scream:

Essentially the same thing but use different tables

local table1 = {}
local table2 = {}
-- .. etc

Use one .OnServerEvent but use RemoteEvent:FireServer() for the local scripts that control the buttons when they’re pressed


THAANKS YOU SO MUCH !! It had been very difficult for me to make this system :frowning: