Code issues - equip clothes

Hello, I’m having some trouble equipping clothes on my roblox r15 character… how could i fix that? :frowning:

clothes page: Images/Outfit_3_Top - Roblox



local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.c2
	local char = plr.Character
	char:findFirstChild("Shirt").ShirtTemplate = ""

The item url is for a decal, not a shirt

Try using the ImageId: 6247078075

oh… how could i fix that? :open_mouth:

You have to get a shirt from here

do I need to create a group to upload clothes?

No, you can create one from your profile for a fee of 50 R$. This was recently changed because previously you needed Premium to make clothing.

To use the shirt in your game, just copy the id from the URL

So will I need to pay premium to upload clothes?

No, you can upload them for 50 R$. It was changed from requiring premium

where should i pay that? could you send me that link please :frowning:

Go to the “Create” button at the top of the page and you’ll see “Shirts”

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Thanks you a lot bro :smiley: :smiley: