Hi! Please watch this video and I’ll explain the situation after so you understand: https://gyazo.com/0806aebfb55c12b3c65f229665dfb849
Basically, I want the user to be able to pick two options, one on the left side and one on the right side. But in the video, I was only able to pick two options from the left but none on the right. I was not able to change my selection even before I pressed the continue button. I don’t have any solutions and would appreciate some suggestions on how to fix this. This is my code that I’ve put into each button:
local button = script.Parent
local gradience = button:WaitForChild("Gradience")
local chosengradience = button.Folder:WaitForChild("ChosenGradience")
local chosen = button.Chosen.Value
local category = button.Category.Value
for i, v in pairs(button.Parent:GetChildren()) do
if v:isA("TextButton") then
if v.Name ~= "Continue" then
if v:WaitForChild("Category").Value == category then
if v:WaitForChild("Chosen").Value == true then
v:WaitForChild("Chosen").Value = false
v:WaitForChild("Gradience").Color = v:WaitForChild("Folder"):WaitForChild("ChosenGradience").Color
chosen = true
gradience.Color = chosengradience.Color