-Code of Ethics-


  1. All Personnel are to comply with the Code of Ethics, and ROBLOX TOS.
    2.Violators are to be prosecuted by the Ethics Committe, or the situation given unto the ROBLOX Corporation.
  2. The use of derogatory language and demeaning terms is strictly prophipted.
  3. No personnel may be dismissed without clearance from a Ethics representative.
  4. Rule 4 does not apply if it is a ROBLOX TOS violation.
    6.Personnel in blacklisted groups will be given three warnings before a blacklist.
  5. Discrimination is strictly prohibited.
  6. Leaking of foundation information is prohibited.
  7. Any personnel using voice chat is subject to the Code of Ethics, and ROBLOX TOS.
  8. Voice Chat may be used in special cases, but may not be required by personnel.
  9. Voice chat may be used in pieces of training, but may not be a requirement.
    1.Class Ds are to be treated in a way permitted by the Roblox TOS.
  10. Class Ds are to be allowed to roam the CDC bar exceptions.
  11. Class Ds may be confined to their cells in the event of a lockdown, or emergency.
  12. Class Ds may be allowed to roam in the Lower Containment Zone with permission from an LVL 4+.
  13. Class Ds who cross past the security line will be given three warnings, followed by termination.
  14. Class D testing may not be unnecessary, or cruel.
  15. Class Ds may not be terminated without proper cause.
  16. Class Ds shall only be terminated upon the end of a test if deemed necessary.
  17. Class Ds are to be released after a month of service to the foundation.
  18. Class Ds may request medical examinations, and treatment, and object to testing if testing is done by personnel below LVL 3.
  19. Class D outfits must be suitable under ROBLOX TOS.
  20. The mistreatment of Class Ds is a punishable offense.
  21. Any Class Ds who are trespassing are to be given one warning before termination.
  22. Any Class Ds attempting to breach an SCP are to be immediately terminated.
  23. Class Ds may never be terminated for personal grudges.
  24. Class Ds who need to be banned must be properly evaluated by the Ethics Committee, Internal Security Department, or Intelligence Agency.
  25. Class Ds are never to be purposely be released.
  26. Class E personnel are personnel on probation and are to be treated as such.
  27. Unfair treatment of Class E personnel is prohibited.
  28. All Class D rules apply to Class E personnel.
  29. All testing must be ethical and with reason.
  30. Testing may be rejected by both LVL 4+ or an Ethics representative.
  31. Testing must be secure, suitable, and with purpose.
  32. Tests are to be used to find information to better help the foundation, gather information, and stop GOIs.
  33. Testing may not be used for intentional breaches, without permission of a Site Director.