Coding In Team Create No Longer Possible... At All

Previously, I’ve had no issue with large scripts in team create, and Roblox has had 0 stability issues as well. Now after this week’s update, I can’t edit certain scripts at in team-create.

The script in-question is only 5000 lines, and the second I make a single change I’m hit with this error:

This seems to be a new Roblox optimization feature, that is ultimately detrimental to development work-flow. There is no stability or connection issue, there never has been in the past. I can edit other scripts in the game without issue, so clearly this is script specific and not connection related at all.

Is there a way to disable this feature like with the syntax highlighting limit?


This is definitely not an intentional change. Could you provide some information to help in identifying the issue?

  1. When exactly did you first see this problem?
  2. What place ID is impacted by this issue (can provide by DM)?
  3. How large is this script in terms of character count? (i.e. string.len(script.Source))
  4. Would you be willing to provide the source of this script by private message so we can see if we can reproduce the problem?

Can confirm this happening to me as well. I thought it was indeed connection issues, but I could move around the workspace perfectly, and my scripts aren’t even 300 lines

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Is it possible for him to collaborate by providing an open source link and is this on Roblox studio?
@CDDevelopment @swmaniac

Is this still happening to you? According to @CDDevelopment the problem has disappeared on their end. We have also not been able to reproduce any connection problems with live scripting internally.