Cofa | Affiliates

Hello, welcome to the affiliate requirement section of Cofa’s handbook, here you may locate how to become an alliance at Cofa’s industry, here you may locate the requirements and the actual application on the topic.

Affiliate Requirements

– To become an alliance with Cofa’s coffee shop you must posses a Discord server with organised channels and sections.
– You must have at least 30 members in the group not including a bot, if you have one that is not a used-account.
– You must not have any bad history with our group or be on the terminated/blacklisted affiliate section that is updated by the public relations department.
– Not selling group ranks as that is against the Roblox terms of use, but you may sell points for your game, and you may sell in-game roles.
– You must be a cafe, coffee shop, salon, bakery, parlour as we do not accept war groups or any such military nor raiding groups.

Affilate Helping

– You must announce all Cofa related events that are in our public announcements channel, this is to shout out our group as we do.
– You must send 2 representatives to both, our Discord server and Roblox group to support our member count.

Submit an application

To submit an application, please join our Discord server and contact a public relations officer or any vice president+ with an application result of these questions below on a Google document file which is for anyone to view.

[1] Why should we create an affiliate bond with your group?
[2] How are you willing to help our coffee shop out, not mentioning the above?
[3] What would you like us to do for your group, not mentioning the above?
[4] Who will be your 2 representatives?
[5] What are your vital links, permanent Discord server invite, please.

You may view our public relations directors by checking the middle rank members+ roles in our Discord server, they should have the public relations department role.

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