Coin Collecting working not properly

Hello Everyone! I’ve made coin collecting, but it’s working not properly. Let me explain, I have coin and I can take it. And I wrote script that when I’m touching it it gives me 1 coin. But it’s gives me not one, but more. And I don’t know why but my DataStore for coins not working properly.

Coin Collecting Script:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

local char = script.Parent
local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

local soundService = game:GetService("SoundService")
local coinSound = soundService.SFX.Coin

	if part.Name == "Coin" then
		player.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 1
		coinSound:Play(); part:Destroy()

		local clone = part:Clone()
		part.Parent = workspace.Coins
		part.CFrame = part.CFrame

DataStore Script:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local statsDS = ds:GetDataStore("StatsDataStore")

	local userId = player.UserId
	local stat = player.leaderstats.Coins

	local getSaved = statsDS:GetAsync(userId) 
	if getSaved then
		stat.Value = getSaved[1]
	local userId = player.UserId
	local data = {player.leaderstats.Coins.Value};
	local success, result = pcall(function()
		statsDS:SetAsync(userId, data)
	if success then print("Stats successfuly saved!")
	else warn(result) end

If someone help, it would be really appreciated! Thanks.

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You’re not supposed to change the stats of a player locally if you intend on saving it in a Datastore

The coin collecting script should be a server-side script and I would recommend using debounces for hit detection to avoid collecting more than 1 coin from the same coin.

Also if you want to get the player from a character for your hit detection (Which should not be a local script), I strongly recommend learning about :GetPlayerFromCharacter()

First of all, both scripts must be server scripts. Secondly, you need to add a debounce so that the player only gets 1 coin.

Also, a humanoid cannot touch anything since it’s not a basepart.

How I would do it:
Create a script inside the coin itself (I recommend collection service or any other way instead of making a script inside every coin)

Then, try something like this:

local Coin = script.Parent -- This should be the coin
local Debounce = false
       local Character = hit.Parent
       if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) and Debounce == false then
             local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
             Player.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 1
             Debounce = true
             Coin.Parent = game.ServerStorage  -- take the coin inside server storage (maybe inside a folder)
             task.wait(5)  -- The cooldown between the coin respawn
             Debounce = false
             Coin.Parent = game.Workspace

This script might not work, however it should give you a good idea on how it should be.

I’ve already tried making it from server-side, nothing succeeded.

And, I tried it too. Also didn’t work :frowning:

Uhh, I tried this code, but when I touching it, nothing happened

Any errors? Also, where did you put the script, and was it a server script or a local script?

No, I don’t have any errors or warns in the output and console. And I put in the Server Script in the Coin

Is the coin a part or a model? It should be a part for this to work correctly.
Also, try this for debugging:

local Coin = script.Parent -- This should be the coin
local Debounce = false
       local Character = hit.Parent
       if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) and Debounce == false then
             local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
             Player.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 1
             Debounce = true
             Coin.Parent = game.ServerStorage  -- take the coin inside server storage (maybe inside a folder)
             task.wait(5)  -- The cooldown between the coin respawn
             Debounce = false
             Coin.Parent = game.Workspace
              print("Player not found.")

What output does this give?

It’s a Union.

And, this script doesn’t working too. No errors in output.

It should work with a union too. By any chance, did you group the union?
Also, does it have CanTouch on in properties?

For the last time, try this script for debugging:

local Coin = script.Parent -- This should be the coin
local Debounce = false
print("Script is running")
       local Character = hit.Parent
       if game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) and Debounce == false then
             local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
             Player.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 1
             Debounce = true
             Coin.Parent = game.ServerStorage  -- take the coin inside server storage (maybe inside a folder)
             task.wait(5)  -- The cooldown between the coin respawn
             Debounce = false
             Coin.Parent = game.Workspace
              print("Player not found.")

If it still has no output, can you show me a screenshot of the union in the explorer?

Oh bruh, I’m so stupid. It didn’t work because of while wait() do, now I did it in other script and now it’s working. Thanks for helping!

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Glad it helped. You will probably need to find a way to optimize this script, since having 100 coins with a script each can lag the game. A good idea can be putting all coins in a folder, having 1 script that does a for loop inside the folder, then doing the script.


local Folder = script.Parent
for i,v in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do -- (v is the child, probably the coin)
      if v.Name == "Coin" then -- this is to check if its actually a coin or the script itself
            -- run script here (but replace Coin with v)

This might not work, but it should give you a good idea on how to make your script more optimized. Good luck on your game.

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