I need to set this up better but I’m drawing a blank. Each coin type spawns in a different area. I got the spawning of parts to work perfectly so now I need an efficient way to differentiate between the coins.
Simply put either a number value for currency in each coin, and then get that from the script.
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assert(currencyRS, [["The variable currencyRS is nil"]])
assert(#currencyRS:GetChildren() ~= 0, [[The currencyRS doesn't have a children]])
error([[The possible issue is:
- Try currencyRS:GetChildren() (or GetDescandants() if you want to access all children) instead of currencyRS
- Otherwise, it's another issue
Put this in front of the getCoin function
--The command I want you to put
local function getCoin(spawnPart)
--blah blah blah
What it will do is throw an error, A custom error by me, It will stop a function
I hope it works
Actually when Marusenai said the thing about the value for the currency I remembered I was going to make a Libs Module for all the relevant data. WIP
Then I’m attempting to use it. Still working out how to set it up properly. WIP
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local zoneLibs = require(ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("Libs").ZoneLibs)
local currencyFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CurrencyRS")
local islandsFolder = workspace.Islands:GetChildren()
if zoneLibs then
print("ZoneLibs exists!")
warn("No ZoneLibs found!")
local MAX_COINS = 100
local FunMod = {}
local function GetPosition(spawnPart)
--find a random position inside a circle
local R = spawnPart.Size.X/2
local a = math.random() * 2 * math.pi
local r = R * math.sqrt(math.random())
local x = r * math.cos(a)
local z = r * math.sin(a)
local y = spawnPart.Size.Y / 2
local position = Vector3.new(x, y, z)
return position
function FunMod.CoinManager(spawnPart)
local coinLocation = GetPosition(spawnPart)
function FunMod.GemManager()
function FunMod.RandNumGen() -- random number generator to choose coin or gem
function FunMod.GetSpawnLocation(island) -- what do I need to pass in here?
-- get spawn location from ZoneLibs Module
function FunMod.GetPlayer(plr) -- get the correct spawn location
for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
if player then
print(plr.Name, player.Name)
warn("player doesn't exist")
-- get info needed to spawn all the coins in
-- the correct places on all available islands
-- for each player that joins
-- leaderstats island data for each player
-- example data:
-- Islands.Island1.isBought = true
-- Islands.Island2.isBought = false -- all other islands = false
return FunMod
I also added in an attribute to the Spawn Parts “CanSpawn = false” so I can use the players saved data to set whether it can spawn or not since the players will need to unlock the new areas over time.
Am I forgetting anything?