Coin Wash Laundromat Build Feedback Request!

Hello People!

Today I have a Coin Wash Building, and wanted to know what you guys thought about it.
Some little side info:

I built this in about 2 Hours, so there might be some flaws here and there.

Here it is:

Thanks for any feedback!


More transparency beyond the front window would really make this pop (clothes washers and upper floor windows), but that would possibly require more structure underneath what you currently have. So increase the reflection a little, and I think you will get a similar effect. They don’t look like glass.

“Separated” you have a misspelled word

Design is great! Lots of “stuff” lying around really brings it to life.


Thanks, I will apply your suggestions, and thanks for making me aware of my typo!

I feel like the “Clean better with BOZO” poster could do with being a bit tilted

I thought about that too, I’ll make it slightly tilted!

I couldn’t agree more. Transparency is my favorite.

Also, I don’t believe these are called “coin washers” anymore. They are most likely called a laundromat when at the appearance of the front of the building.


Thanks for the tip, I guess I added it as it first came to my mind, and now probably also nostalgia.