Collaborate Team Create Affects Save As Local Plugin Functionality

Reproduction Steps

With Team Create enabled, and Collaborative Editing Enabled:

When developing a plugin, make a change to a plugin script, and then publish the plugin locally using the “Save as local plugin…” command.

Expected Behavior

I expect the local uncommitted changes to the plugin scripts to be saved to the local install of the plugin.

Actual Behavior

Instead of the local uncommitted changes to the scripts being saved to the local install of the plugin, the server version of the scripts are saved to the local install of the plugin.


This means that I need to commit my changes to the scripts, and then publish locally using the “Save as local plugin…” in order for the local install of the plugin to be updated. This defeats the purpose of being able to test a script locally before committing it.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly

This is intended behavior and should stay that way. Collaborative editing should work all across Studio, including in plugin development. Requiring a commit is crucial, especially for teams working on plugins together.

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I should be able to test a local script, and save as a local plugin, without having to commit the scripts until they are fully tested and ready to be committed. It is no different than any other local scripts in which you test the scripts locally, and then commit when ready.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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This request makes sense, especially because when we Run games, we run the local copy of all scripts in “Collaborative Edit” mode. So perhaps this behavior should change.

Thanks for reporting this.