Collection service and Dictionaries

hey, all im trying to achieve is a dictionary that has the entries of the material of the brick, and the corresponding color. but it is giving me strange outputs! I have added a few other prints to just check the values are correct - but they are and still, the table is giving me weird output!

heres the final variation of code i thought should work

local collection = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local tagged = collection:GetTagged("cool")
local list = {}

for _, tagged in pairs(tagged) do
	local material = tagged.Material
	local color = tagged.BrickColor
	list[material] = color

and here the parts tagged:
apolgies for bad writing :sweat_smile:

here is the output:
whats happening???

ok, this seemed to work, but why does it work but not the first version?

local collection = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local tagged = collection:GetTagged("cool")
local list = {}
local x = {}
local y = {}

for _, tagged in pairs(tagged) do

for dummy = 1,#x , 1 do
	list[x[dummy]] = y[dummy]

I’ve never used CollectionService, but [token(gibrish)] is probably just unique identifier/index in list.

If you just want the material, you can do print(list[material])

While writing this I noticed that you are putting entry list[material] to color, instead of material variable.

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