Collection Service on Gui Problem

so I’m trying to make a collectionService but I need to get the variables out of the tagged items

local collectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local tagged = collectionService:GetTagged("AmountItemShowerTag")

for i,v in pairs(tagged) do
	local amountItemShower = script.Parent -- this is not the script parent it was if the script was in the tagged textlabel
	local amountItem = script.Parent.Parent.AmountItem
	local item = script.Parent.Parent

	item.Visible = false

	if amountItem >= 1 then
		item.Visible = true
		amountItemShower.Text = amountItem.Value.."x"
	amountItemShower.Text = amountItem.Value.."x"

		if amountItem >= 1 then
			amountItemShower.Text = amountItem.Value.."x"
			item.Visible = false

Can someone please help me couse the variables need to = to all the difrent values I thougth that the script would then act like its in the tagged part can someone please help me?

Sorry but I’m not really sure what you’re trying to do. It doesn’t seem like you’re using the collection service anywhere in your code.

Are you trying to use the tagged items in order to change the value or something?

yes Im trying to do that do you now how