Collection Service On gui

So I have a lot of itemjs in my game they all have the same script I have hundreds of them so I thougth what better way to do this then collection service but then it came to my mind thats thats not going to work because it gets duplicated into the player this is the script.

local collectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")

for _, textLabels in collectionService("AmountItemShowerTag") do
	local amountItemShower = script.Parent
	local amountItem = script.Parent.Parent.AmountItem
	local item = script.Parent.Parent

	item.Visible = false

	if amountItem >= 1 then
		item.Visible = true
		amountItemShower.Text = amountItem.Value.."x"
	amountItemShower.Text = amountItem.Value.."x"

		if amountItem >= 1 then
			amountItemShower.Text = amountItem.Value.."x"
			item.Visible = false

Can anyone please help me with a better way for this?

I don’t remember really well, but in my past works, I used CollectionService for GUIs and it didn’t seem to cause a problem.