As said in the title, I have issues getting tagged instances with collection service on the client

the tags are already present,
for _, v in game:GetService("CollectionService"):GetTagged("test") do
nothing get’s printed in the output, if anyone can find a fix please respond.
probably tags aren’t replicated, try using names or attributes or tables
What you mean is that you can’t get tags on the client?
Tags do replicate to clients through the server.
When do you run this code? Likely, the tagged items are not loaded on the client by then.
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Is it tagged in studio or does it get tagged by script? Can you add a task.wait and see if it prins anything then?
I have tagged them manually inside of studio.
I thought that tags loaded at the same time on client / server
Nothing is ever instant between a client and a server. There is always latency between the two.
But since you’re in the studio, it should be instant (in theory). So you just need to debug it. When does this code run? Where is the script located?
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