Hello, I am trying to add several proximityprompts in my game, one proximity per weapon, I would like to organize my script and use the collectionservice:GetTagged, but it does not work, my script cannot find the tag, I I added lots of print, warn but nothing works and I can’t find any solution
Is there another way or what am I doing wrong?
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
-- Define your tag
local TAG_WEAPON = "ProximityBuy"
-- Function to handle proximity prompts for weapons
local function setupProximityPrompts()
print("Setting up proximity prompts...")
-- Get all objects tagged with "ProximityBuy"
local taggedObjects = CollectionService:GetTagged(TAG_WEAPON)
-- Loop through tagged objects
for _, part in ipairs(taggedObjects) do
print("Found object tagged with 'ProximityBuy'")
-- Assuming you have a proximity prompt script on the object
local proximityPrompt = game:GetService("ProximityPromptService")
if proximityPrompt then
print("ProximityPrompt found on object")
print("Player interacted with the ProximityPrompt.")
-- Ensure the promptPlayer parameter is not conflicting with the global 'player'
if promptPlayer == player then
print("Handling interaction for local player")
-- Open UI on client
local BuyPromptGui = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("BuyPromptGui")
if BuyPromptGui then
BuyPromptGui.Enabled = true -- Show the GUI
-- Example: Update UI text based on the object or prompt details
local promptText = BuyPromptGui.MainFrame.PromptText
promptText.Text = "Do you want to buy this item?"
-- Connect UI buttons or elements here to handle player choices
warn("BuyPromptGui not found in PlayerGui")
warn("No ProximityPrompt found on object with tag 'ProximityBuy'")
-- Call the setup function (you might call this in a place like a LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts)
output :
Setting up proximity prompts…