Collision acts strange for certain devices?

So i have a strange issue that occurs with some mobile devices or with macbooks. I am not sure what causes this but the collision for the ground seems to render incorrectly for these players. I tested this on console as well and for PS4 this does not occur.

Any idea on how I can address this? the parts are large meshes spreading throughout the map. The collision is set to Precision and only a select few players experience this. From talking to them they’re either on certain phones or on an macbook


what renderfidelity are you using?

I am using ‘Precise’ on the meshes

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hm. that is strange. It may be a client-side problem. this is why in obbies with client side traps, people will float midair for you, but they are standing on a solid surface.

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thats what I am thinking but im unsure how to fix this, from what im assuming is lower end devices cant render the entire mesh properly so the collision gets clunky

Yeah. I assume its a problem involving low-end devices. Their rendering is slightly outdated which is why PBR textures have not been fully implemented into them. this may also apply with the new mesh deformity features.

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also, play around with the max slope angle in your game settings to see if that is the issue

i think the issue with that is all devices would experience this and not a select few

Oh true. I Disregarded that haha

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this makes the most sense, hopefully it gets resolved internally

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Same. Unfortunately this has been an issue for years and they haven’t really addressed it :frowning: