Collision Problems

Hey guys ! i recently have encountered in a big problem so my Meshes gets forced into Box Collision
replacing the model is not an Option due to having too many Meshes that gets forced into it and i wouldnt possibly be able to replace them.

Any Solution for this?
here is a little gif

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Set collisionfidelity to precise

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Do you know why they are forced into those collision formats?
Have you saved them or imported them in a different format?

What program are you using to make the Meshes? Are they saved as .obj files?

already did.

sadly didnt do anything

they made in blender and are imported as fbx files

obj file* sorry

and also no i have no idea :confused: also dont recall ever doing a script that would do such thing

When you physically look at the MeshPart | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub what do you see?

well i see default hull and box

So when you go into your Settings (Physics) and select the ShowDecompositionGeometry checkbox the colored shape that represents your Mesh when you view it is either a solid box or just the non-concave shape?

Does this have anything to do with your Studio Graphics settings?

I do not believe so, i havent done anything to the settings in general. (it did work before)