CollisionFidelity on Union leaving weird geometry

The issue on my hand is I have created union with 1 Part as a wall and a box like Negative Part. Unioning them together works normally, but if I set both the RenderFidelity and CollisionFidelity, it leaves random triangular very thin geometry inside the empty space

This does not appear on other walls but this randomly appears and I have not found any similar post to this.

This seems to be problem of the parts Y Size, after resizing it to fit the steel parts, the geometry seems fine, but would still like help with this.

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When you did the negate and union check that the negate full ‘Cut’ all of the union , and that there is not a small thin end . Sometimes you might need to scale the negagte part bigger.

Also make sure to set all the part settings you want to end up with, like collision, rednder, color before you select the parts

If that does not work maybe send a .rbxl of the parts before the selection , and an example of aftet the negate union is done showing the issue