CollisionFidelity property is missing

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
    Find out why the CollisionFidelity property is missing and figure out a way to fix it.

  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
    The CollisionFidelity property for Unions and Meshparts is somehow missing for my new account.

I don’t know why when I use my old account the CollisionFidelity property is there but when I use my new account, I can’t find the CollisionFidelity for both Unions and Meshpart which is very confusing.

  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)

It might be a studio bug, but I can’t seem to find any topic regarding this issue, so I thought It might just be on my studio.

Please if you know or have any idea how to fix this please tell me. Thank you!

Maybe try restarting studio. Does that fix it?

Yes I tried restarting and logging on to another account but the property is still not there. The issue seems to be only specific to my new account lol.

Try accessing it through the command bar.

I see, so you say, it occurs on both mesh and union parts correct?

Does reinstalling studio works? Can you access the property via a script?

It worked! the collision has been switch to PreciseConvexDecomposition. But still not showing the property on the Properties tab. Very weird.

Processing: Screenshot 2025-03-19 163023.png…

Yes I can access the property using scripts or the command bar. It’s just the property not showing on the Properties Tab.

Then I recommend reinstalling studio.

No wait a minute. I think i know what is causing the bug here that is only specific to my new account. The only difference with my new account and old account is that i have a lot of plugins installed. Some plugin might be messing with my studio. I’m gonna try removing all the plugins.

I really doubt it could be due to plugins as they really can’t manipulate the core Roblox widgets.

As for it only occuring on your new account could be maybe because the union operations bugging itself? Does this occurs for only one union operations or for every single union in your game?

Yep, it’s because of a plugin. bruh I might have installed some buggy plugin

Processing: Screenshot 2025-03-19 164019.png…

It’s happening with every single union i make.

That’s interesting. At least the issue is fixed. Mark your post as the solution.

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I’m gonna figure out what plugin is messing around the studio. But it will take time cause i have to restart studio every time lol. Thank you for helping me!

It was the Auto Script Template Injector plugin. Man this plugin was very helpful but I think it’s messing with the studio.

If you’re sure that was it, then I’m gonna happily investigate why it was causing the issue.

I’m 100% this plugin was the one causing the property to disappear. But you can try and install the plugin yourself to see if it’s also bugging the property.

I would try and see if you could talk with @C0DERACTU4L regarding that issue if that is the case…

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