Hi there, I have been having this issue my entire time on this platform and it’s been driving me nuts having to separate 1 mesh into a million different meshes just so that the collision boxes match properly.
I created this mesh of a lighthouse which has quite a few different meshes for the different colours however the collisions are so bad that you can’t even go through the door frame or climb up the lighthouse itself.
If anyone has a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated it and would save me a hugeee amount of time.
The only options we have right now for collisions are either changing the collision type of the mesh which sometimes works or making it into tons of different meshes. I am going to go on a limb and say you already tried the first method so that leaves you with only one left. Hopefully roblox allows for more collision options soon.
Have you tried to make the meshes non collideable and use studio part as a hitbox? Surely it won’t take too many part count and decrease the performance much.