Color 3 CSG union issue

Sorry for the bad title but idk…

So the problem is if i union two same colored ( using the SAME color3) parts or union operations ( no matter which part type) then the new union operation doesnt use the own color 3 but rather the closest part color ?

btw ; union parts with a individual color 3 color does work as expected.

Example pictures :
before clicking on union :


after clicking the Union button :


Iam not sure if i really need to provide any further info or detail about this issue … except of if nobody can reproduce it …so just give two or more parts or union operations of your choice the same custom RGB color and then union them.

ps. pls pardon the probably bad grammar but iam a german .

The only issue here is that when unioning a brick or anything, the Color3 is replaced with BrickColor. And that is probably unwated behavior.

So actually anything else is unnecessary.
Two bricks and their separate/own colors don’t matter. In here it’s just the expected behavior of UsePartColor property – separate colors will keep the property off, own colors will enable the property.


Bug: Color3 is replaced with BrickColor’s Color3 after Union operation.

Expected behavior: Color3 remains untouched after Union operation.

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Do use have UsePartColor enabled?

I suppose you meant “you” instead of “use”, but anyways…

Yes, I can tell that UsePartColor property under the Union of two black parts is enabled, because unioning two parts of the same color will enable that property, while if they were different colors - the property would be disabled (checked an hour ago to be sure it still works that way).
Enabling that property would make the Color3 colors visible.

Thank you for the report.

We will get this fixed asap.


thanks for the summary (:

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thank you (:

btw i noticed one further issues ; idk if its supposed to happen but if i union two anchored union operations then the new union result is automatically unanchored .

btw i use CSG v1 not 2 .

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