Hello! I’ll just get straight to the problem – A day or two ago I modelled two tables on the same blender file and exported them as a FBX file onto Roblox Studio. I’m not one who usually textures objects so I figured that I could just apply a color and material in studio to it to give it its texture (which usually works most of the time), but I noticed that no matter what color I used, the color ended up looking very faint and barely visible at all. I have tried looking through the DevForum to see if anyone else has had any similar problems but couldn’t find any answers. I tried changing the material, switching the double-sided attribute on and off, and even changing the render fidelity but nothing has worked so far.
First image: mesh part with color and material
Second image: mesh part with only color and plastic material
Third image: the settings of the mesh parts (they are identical except for the mesh IDs)
Here’s an example of another mesh in my game that also has the same color and material settings but was uploaded using a .obj file export:
Here is that mesh’s properties:
Edit: here’s a side-by-side picture of them just so you can see. It’s not that big of a deal but I am a bit of a perfectionist so I like to have things matching up right
As of right now I think it has something to do with the file extension but not much else. I haven’t had problems like this before with FBX meshes so this is a surprise to me. If anyone can help figure out how to get the color to be what it’s supposed to be it would be greatly appreciated. I hope I gave enough information to start off with!