Color Combo Plugin - Create Color Palettes with ease!

Create color palettes for your UI, use the colors generated by the plugin in your plugin, and make it look better instantly.

The plugin does not generate random colors, it uses color theory to generate complementary colors to get a pleasing look

With the help of this plugin, you can create color palettes containing upto 4 colors, and browse through existing color palettes!

Working Demo:

Get the plugin here : Color Combo Plugin - Roblox

Let me know if there’s something you’d want to see added or changed in the plugin, all support is appreciated!!


Although limited in number of colors we can add to the pallete (please make it possible to add more and support hex codes for creating/copying colors), this is the first plugin that I’ve found (I’ve downloaded 4 now) that allows me to save my own color pallets. Thank you.

Side note: To advertise better, add some small photos. The video is too large and it didn’t load for me so I didn’t get to see the superb UI of the plugin. I downloaded it because I was desperate (thank goodness).

Edit: Please make the minimum size of the plugin smaller. I understand it might make it look worse, but it’s so big that it’s practically non-functional for me when docked.

What I’m experiencing (this is its minimum size):

Edit 2: The plugin doesn’t allow me to paste in my own colors.

Sorry for the late response, haven’t been too active lately. Glad you found it a little bit helpful. Ill look into making it smaller (Not too good with UI scaling thats the reason the size is so big) and I’ll add functionality to add more colors too