Color Picker in ColorSequence causes Studio to crash if the instance is destroyed

If the user is editing a ColorSequence via the Color Picker and the instance that the ColorSequence belongs to is destroyed while the Color Picker is still open, it will cause Studio to immediately crash to desktop.


  1. Create any instance with a ColorSequence property such as: Beam, ParticleEmitter, UIGradient, etc.
  2. Select the newly created and run the following command: task.delay(5, game.Destroy, game:GetService("Selection"):Get()[1])
  3. Before the instance is destroyed, open the Color Picker on the Color Sequence property. (Not the Sequence Editor)
  4. Wait for the the instance to be destroyed.

Video Demonstration:

I disabled all beta features when testing the bug.


This also happens with the roblox part color picker


@Pseudoisochromatic Thanks for the report! This crash should now be fixed.

@WuwuRBLX if you are still experiencing this bug with the part color picker, please file a separate bug report ticket so that we can properly track it. Thanks!