I recently got this gradient color picker from Easy 1D Color Picker
I just loaded it into my studio but the GUI is not showing up anywhere on my screen? I checked and it’s all visible, can someone help me check if it’s the same for them?

seems to be working fine
Make sure this eye icon is blue, otherwise it’ll hide all GUIs

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Ohh okay that was what I had the issue with. o_o Thanks for the fast reply xD And you’re the creator of this? Wow, thank you so much! 
hey I have one more question, I’m using your function but I’m not sure how to just return 3 values for the color selected in RGB form
function getColor(percentage, ColorKeyPoints)
if (percentage < 0) or (percentage>1) then
--error'getColor percentage out of bounds!'
warn'getColor got out of bounds percentage (less than 0 or greater than 1'
local closestToLeft = ColorKeyPoints[1]
local closestToRight = ColorKeyPoints[#ColorKeyPoints]
local LocalPercentage = .5
local color = closestToLeft.Value
for i=1,#ColorKeyPoints-1 do
if (ColorKeyPoints[i].Time <= percentage) and (ColorKeyPoints[i+1].Time >= percentage) then
closestToLeft = ColorKeyPoints[i]
closestToRight = ColorKeyPoints[i+1]
LocalPercentage = (percentage-closestToLeft.Time)/(closestToRight.Time-closestToLeft.Time)
color = closestToLeft.Value:lerp(closestToRight.Value,LocalPercentage)
return color
warn('Color not found!')
return color
I hooked it up to a text button that says ‘change color’ but I don’t know how to grab the actual value of the colour the pointer is set on?

If you want to use the function, you pass it
- the Scale X position of the pointer
- the Gradient’s Color Keypoints
The xPos is a percentage. 0 being the very left of the gradient, 1 being the very right.
local ColorKeyPoints = Gradient.Color.Keypoints
The easiest way would be to get it from the ColorShower frame.

local Color = ColorPickerUi.ColorPickerFrame.ColorShower.BackgroundColor3
print(typeof(Color)) -- Color3
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