hi, ive tried to use ChatService and my Custom Chat but when a player talks, i want to appear that Bubble Chat over ur head but at Color it needs BrickColor but at my folder with colors it are Color3 and i cant change becouse Text color of a textlabel can’t be a BrickColor,how can i make from Color3 to BrickColor?
Color3 is stored in RBG values and BrickColor is stored in color names, So I dont believe that you can cross the two. However you can do is text.Color3 = Color3.new(R, G, B). Another thought would be to get the RGB from the brickcolor.
Please search first before asking. Your answer can be found in the BrickColor documentation. The BrickColor constructor new can accept a Color3 value and it will return a BrickColor closest to the Color3 value you pass to it or an exact colour.
local color3Form = Color3.new(1, 0, 0)
local brickColorForm = BrickColor.new(color3Form)
print(brickColorForm.Name) -- Really red
yeah but its inposible to change from 255,255,255 to “White”? withoud if statements?
i dont know why but it alwais error and say it is a nil value but the value is 0,0,0 or 0,0,214 this is nil Values or it gets some weird errors?
I don’t know how to help you resolve your problem if you only provide me the issue you’re encountering and no code or context. All I did was answer your question directly which was how to convert a Color3 into a BrickColor.
this is the full script:
the part that creates the Color3Value:
local Color = Instance.new("Color3Value", game.ReplicatedStorage.ChatCustomPlayerData.ChatColors) ; Color.Name = plr.Name ; Color.Value = Color3.new(0,0,0)
the part that error:
local Color = game.ReplicatedStorage.ChatCustomPlayerData.ChatColors[player.Name].Value
ChatService:Chat(player.Character.Head, Message, BrickColor.new(Color))
Oh. Again, this is why you should read documentation. These are very simple questions that, if you spend some time looking at the API for, you’ll get your answer. The Chat method of the Chat service only accepts color arguments from the ChatColor Enum.
oh, sad so i cant make my Chat color sistem. Thanks u for saying this