Color3Value won't change value accordingly

Hey everyone !

I was recently talking about this with another user on this post and basically here’s the problem.

When a .BackgroundColor3 changes, it will update the Color3Value, how ever, it won’t work on my side. It works for them, but not for me.

They sent me their model and it works fine for them, but not me. Here is the script:

local ValueObj = script.Parent
local LightControllreFrame = ValueObj.Parent
local ColorPickerFrame = LightControllreFrame.ColorPickerFrame
local ColorShower = ColorPickerFrame.ColorShower

	ValueObj.Value = ColorShower.BackgroundColor3

Please note that there are no errors nor any output, and the Color3Value does not change at all.

You can test their model here.

It does work. Make sure you’re accessing the PlayerGui rather then StarterGui.