ColorPlus - A Color3 Library


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Need to convert a hex code to RGB or add two Color3's together? Use ColorPlus, a brand new Color3 library!


ColorPlus.Add(color1: Color3, color2: Color3)

Adds two Color3 values
color1 - Color3 of the first color
color2 - Color3 of the second color

ColorPlus.Subtract(color1: Color3, color2: Color3)

Subtracts two Color3 values
color1 - Color3 of the first color
color2 - Color3 of the second color

ColorPlus.Multiply(color1: Color3, color2: Color3)

Multiplies two Color3 values
color1 - Color3 of the first color
color2 - Color3 of the second color

ColorPlus.Divide(color1: Color3, color2: Color3)

Divides two Color3 values
color1 - Color3 of the first color
color2 - Color3 of the second color

ColorPlus.Pow(color1: Color3, color2: Color3)

Returns the first Color3 to the power tof the second Color3. Use case? I have no idea.
color1 - Color3 of the first color
color2 - Color3 of the second color

ColorPlus.ToBW(color: Color3)

Converts the Color3 to grayscale
color1 - Color3 of the first color

ColorPlus.HexToRGB(hex: string)

Converts a hexadecimal (hex code) to Color3
hex - The hex string

ColorPlus.RGBToHex(color: Color3)

Converts a Color3 to hexadecimal (hex code)
color - The RGB color

ColorPlus.Invert(color: Color3, bw: boolean)

Inverts the color and optioinally converts the inverted color to grayscale
color - Color3 to invert
bw - Whether to convert to grayscale or not

Source Code

You can view the source code for ColorPlus here.

Thanks for reading & happy developing!

Please notify me of any documentation mistakes or library typos/issues and I’ll get to them in the morning.