Colors in the output window

Bump again, this would be so useful


Bump, bumpity, bump bump. I’d like color-coded code (:wink:) to more easily see and differentiate the output of specific functions in my code for easier debugging and other things.

I stay away from warn() and error() as they both have undesirable functionalities to them in this context.

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Bump again, this would make debugging easier.


Implement this please! This would be an amazing feature.

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perhaps just built into the 3 rather than new

if no color is sent, then just default, but if a color is sent, use that color

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Bump for implementation.

However, if you see this thread and are still waiting on this feature, maybe you could use like the suggested above with emojis. But with these emojis preceding a print specifically.

:red_circle: Hello World!
:green_circle: Hello World!
:large_blue_circle: Hello World!
:yellow_circle: Hello World!
:black_circle: Hello World!
:white_circle: Hello World!
:purple_circle: Hello World!
:orange_circle: Hello World!

I use it like so,

print("🔵 Traceability| State Changed with"..tostring(Index)..". To: "..tostring(Value))

Bump! This would be extremely useful for debugging especially when handling masses of code. I’m working with OOP programming principles right now, so it’d be very convenient to have various colors labeling where things are happening and what they’re doing.


I support using those ANSI escape chars for this, or reserving extra characters on the range they’re using for the robux and premium icons.

A more verbose idea is either to support rich text, or a table with character locations.

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