Colour changing part script not working

I am coming back to scripting after a while and just looking at some random creations in the toolbox and trying to create whatever comes to my head.

local colours = {"Really Red", "Royal Purple", "Dark Blue", "Lime Green"}
local colour = script.Parent

while true do
	for i,v in pairs(colours) do
		colour.BrickColor =
		print("colour changed")

Both of the print statements, working and colour changed print but the brickcolor of the part doesn’t change.

If anyone can help me, thank you!

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Most color names only have their first word capitalized, such as “Really red”, however colors like “Pastel Blue” are exceptions to the rule.

This page on the Roblox documentation has a list of every BrickColor and their appropriate capitalizations.

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I never thought this simple of a thing would be the error. I need to check my capitalizations more.

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