Colour Scheme in regards to a section of my build

I am currently building a shop which I’ve already designed part of the front face however, before I continue to build the exterior I have came to a stop where I am not very pleased with the colour scheme I have chosen to go for. So I need your opinion of which one is best. The building next to the glass window is what I am trying to think of what colour is best however bear in mind this building will have two floors with the same window layout (slightly alternated in various areas) to the current floor you can see in these examples

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

I made a poll for convenience however if you believe another colour would work perfectly I would be more than appreciative to hear that response. While before you go ahead and answer the poll this is a short draft of the build before I started developing it on roblox studio:


Also, this is a multiple choice poll meaning if you like more than 1 please select [all] you like as I can depict which colour scheme is best with the most popular result and this type of poll is more likely to give me more accurate results in case anyone couldn’t pick which one was best between the two they like most.

  • Example 1
  • Example 2
  • Example 3
  • Example 4
  • Other/Reply in comments

0 voters


I prefer the 1st example! And other than that this looks really cool, but I was going to recommend Light Blue maybe?


May I ask what kind of shop you’re building?

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I couldn’t use that exact colour since the lightning I have chosen to go with, makes a lot of light colour(s) have a neon effect but, this is what I’ve done with your suggest.

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Its a music shop sorta thing, although its not confirmed I’m building it for someone but regardless I’m in the mood to build something. ;p

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Yeah doesn’t look bad, but plain ol’ white definitely is better
Or gray I mean, pretty much the first example.


I think the colour chosen for a building should be associated with the purpose of a building.

per example:

Industrial buildings: — Grey, White, Dark Grey, Black…
Mercantile buildings: — Brown, Light Brown, White…

but when I think of how a musical store would look like, I really have no clue.

But whatever you will choose, definitely do not go for that turd looking brown.


The blue looks good, but if you wouldn’t want that I would suggest the 1st option! :smiley:

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Just an update to the build in case anyone has new ideas for the colour scheme

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It really depends on the buildings surrounding it, could you show what buildings are around it?

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The buildings surrounding the store will collerate to the colour scheme chosen for that store so there is a strong flexibility to what I can do. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello! I would like to remind you that you need to be careful with lag, try using the least parts as possible or it will cause lag on players.


Thanks for the suggestion! I might make two versions of this a low-poly and a current version I am going for. That should help resolve some lag issues :slightly_smiling_face:

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I didn’t believe it was necessary for me to create a who new topic asking for feedback in regards to the build. However, changes have been made from it originally being a music store to a home store. The reason for this change is due to the factor of the weak market on roblox which will likely be less profitable than it would be in regards to a home store.

I am asking for your overall opinion, ideas and slight changes you would like on the exterior. Although please remember this may not be the final product as any of the exteriors can have a dramatic change which I do not mind spending more time ensuring it meets the majority of the players/developers requirements.

Before update on Sunday 11th August 2019.

Updated on Sunday 11th August 2019.

Reason for the change:
I was unsatisfied with the overall look it was luring with the large window frame as well as making the structure of the interior complicated and too small to call a store. While I needed to make a building for one purpose which I was going for a general store theme which found multiple faults which course the build to not look and feel very nice. So to that extent I diversified the building to a home store and removed that left exterior into a glass modern frame.

-Glass window display for possible promotion in extent to seasonal, sale, and in demand.
-Extension making the store have a larger variety for products being displayed.
-Capability of installing a cafe on the left-top floor above the window display for an external group or industry within the group.