Colourify Lite & Pro | Advanced Colour Palette Generator


Colourify is inspired by, referenced from, and based on
“Coolors in your pocket!”

Colourify contains a wide variety of functions available for use, with two versions- Lite and Pro. At its base level, Colourify is a colour palette/scheme generator, but at its peak, it’s a much more powerful tool with a wide range and variety of features.

See an overview of what features the plugins have below.

The free version of this plugin contains as many features you’d expect from a colour palette generator- or what you’d find in any free generator online. tl;dr it’s a colour palette generator!


  • Colour palette generation
    • Lock specific generated colours at will, keeping the one (or more) you like but generating different ones around it.

    • Directly and easily select a generated colour from the list, and use the smart Set button in order to colour any selected GUIObjects.

Colourify uses a wide range of formulas and functions to bring you only the greatest colours to be used in your designs, making sure that each palette is harmonious, complementary and distinct, there’s a palette for anyone and any design. This is the main selling point and feature of Colourify Lite.

Colourify allows you to select and set the colour of both BaseParts or GUIObjects.


The premium version of Colourify adds numerous more features to improve your quality of life, boost productivity and ensure you get more out of the plugin.


  • All features mentioned in Colourify Lite
  • Modify your palette generation
    • Adjust the colour saturation of the generated colours on a scale from 0-100. Lowering the colour saturation allows you to generate more neutral tones with a lower range of colour, whilst a higher colour saturation allows the colours to express themselves with higher ranges, generating more vivid and bright colours.

    • Have the option to generate monochromatic palettes, rather than complementary ones. Monochrome colours are all the varieties of a single base - the tints, shades, and tones. A monochromatic colour scheme will range between lighter and darker versions of the base colour.

  • Do more with your colours
    • Save your generated colour palettes. Really liked a palette that was generated? You can save it forever within the plugin widget for later use or application. This is not limited to palettes entirely generated, you are able to save palettes created or modified by you via locking colours or modifying colour saturations.

    • Export your palettes directly into your workspace (not literally, they will be exported into StarterGui). Want easy access to the palette you just created? Hit the “Export Palette” button, and you’ll find your palette neatly inserted onto your screen in the form of five squares. Exporting palettes is also a more temporary version of the save feature listed above, however, a more temporary way of saving colours you generated.

    • Insert a custom base colour, say, from your design, and run the generator. The generator will automatically set the saturation of generated colours to match the base colour you input, (colour saturation can still be manually edited), and will generate complementary colours based off of your custom base colour.

Heads up, studio requires that Colourify Pro have script injection permission. I am not sure why this is the case as the plugin does not modify or create any scripts in your game.

Images & Demonstration

Planned Features

In the future, lots of improvements are coming to the plugin. To list a few:

  • Custom palette saving

    • The plugin will include the ability for you manually create and save colour palettes by inputting Hex/RGB codes. Think of it as a bank for all of your colours, that you can add to and access as necessary.
  • Gradient saving & library

    • Be able to save custom UIGradient colour sequences for easy access and implementation into your designs
  • Pick your own colour (IMPLEMENTED IN PRO!)
    - Be able to input a custom colour as a base, say, from your design, and the plugin will generate you additional complementary or monochromatic colours for you to use in the design

Purchase Pro if you don’t want to miss out :wink:


Colourify Lite is completely free. Colourify Pro is priced at the minimum price which Roblox allows, that being 100 :robux_light:.

Download Links

Colourify Lite

Colourify Pro

Feel free to leave any feedback, suggestions or reports of issues in the replies.


Support for colouring objects was extended to BaseParts, the plugin is no longer limited to UI.


Well, this is my first seeing a plugin like this. I would try out this plugin when I get access to Studio to try it! :grinning:


This shouldn’t be paid honestly becasuse there are many websites that provide such features all for free.


There are, which is the point of the Lite version of the plugin being free.

While Lite may lack certain features that some online services provide for free, it makes up for it with the convenience due to the fact that it’s been implemented into Roblox studio; “in your pocket”. Not only can you generate these colours directly in studio, the plugin allows you to directly, quickly and easily apply any generated colour to any GUIObject. These are the pros of the Lite version compared to an online service.

The Pro version of the plugin contains and will contain more features that no online generator can do, which increase your workflow and productivity within Roblox Studio. For instance, acting as a bank for any colours you’d need, being able to easily and conveniently save your generated palettes for later use (and directly apply them to your GUIObjects), and being able to save custom (or even generate, who knows) UIGradient sequences.

When you choose to use the Lite version of the plugin or pay for the Pro version, you do so knowing that you are increasing your productivity and making the tools it offers more convenient for you to use.


Why not make it apply to BaseParts too? Imagine I want to put the generated color palette to parts.

You did a typo in the description

though great plugin!

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Being able to set the colour of baseparts is an amazing idea, I’ll be sure to add it in the next version.

Thanks for the heads up about the descriptions.

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I can easily save things in online websites as well and this wont make it covinient bc i just need to move my mouse its the same as using this plugin.

WOW! I just found a website that is 100x better then this plugin and is free (For the features that this plugin offers to be paid).

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If you don’t want to buy the plugin then don’t shame the creator for it? They put their effort into creating a plugin, and they just want to get paid for their work. You say there are better alternatives. Why don’t you use the alternative if you think it’s so great instead of making petty arguments on an online forum? 100 Robux is a measly 35 cents. That’s barely a slice of bread. You really just argued over something you wouldn’t bat an eye over.

You also didn’t “find” that website either. The OP already put that website in there:


Great! How about you add automatic palette implementation system to your pro version?!
Look I made something similar! Its kinda accurate.

Few of my fav and accurate gens

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While automatically applying palettes to designs seems like a great idea, it’s hard to implement on a large scale, such as with more complex designs. It may be something I look into in the future, I appreciate your feedback.

Great plugin in terms of its clean UI and portability as opposed to using the website, but this feature is a must to justify buying the Pro version.

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This has been included in Colourify Pro Version 1.2!

See a demonstration below:

After selecting a custom base colour, the generator will:

  • Automatically set the saturation of generated colours to match the base colour you input. Colour saturation can still be manually edited.
  • Generate complementary colours based off of your custom colour.

You may also generate a monochromatic palette from your custom base colour.
The prompt allows for an RGB value (0,0,0) or HEX code (#FFFFFF) or (FFFFFF). Clear the field and click “cancel” to remove your custom colour and generate random palettes again.

Be sure to give me feedback on how well it works :wink:

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I think in the pro version, there should be a way to quickly preview the color palette. It would show an example UI and set all the colors accordingly. This wouldn’t be the user’s UI, it would simply be stored in the plugin just for showing the colors.

While the Pro version already has a feature to export the palette into squares in StarterGui, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to make the feature showcase your generated palette in a premade interface design. Thanks for suggestion.

Looks pretty good, you’ve put a lot of work into it.

Just out of interest though, what’s really the advantages of the free version to Picular, especially when it’s free (as far as I can remember)?

Never mind, Picular is currently unavailable, oops.

Either way, palette saving is definitely a huge deal, it helps keep stuff consistent, which is good.

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