Combat League - The next FPS - Now public!

Heya everyone,

Owen and I have been working hard on creating a new and interesting shooter for Roblox. What we’ve come up with is called Combat League.

Link here

(sparkle sparkle)

Combat League is a game inspired loosely by Team Fortress 2 and Roblox’s wacky evolved culture. With our learning experience from Hex we feel like this is our best creation yet.

With features such as:

  • Crazy customizability
  • Weapons ranging from the expected shotgun to wacky ones like phaser rifles
  • Equipment, such as grenades, molotovs and mines.
  • Killstreaks! Radar, missiles and gunner drones!
  • A minimap showing you and your teammates’ positions, objective locations and last enemy sightings.
  • Outfits to customize your player
  • Three maps! (More coming soon)
  • Three game modes, such as CTF and Control Points (More coming soon),
  • All in a very Roblox-like comic-esque environment!

(The “Bumblebee” gunner drone killstreak!)


  • WASD move, mouse to look around, space to jump.
  • Left click to shoot, right click for special shot.
  • Hold Shift to sprint
  • R to reload
  • E to use equipment
  • M to visit the shop/change your loadout
  • Mousewheel/Num1-2-3 to switch weapons
  • Num4 to activate killstreaks
  • C to crouch (not useful right now)

We aim to include as many interesting maps, weapons and game modes as possible to keep the game fresh!

Would love it if you checked it out :smiley:

Suggestions are appreciated too.

<3 SO Games

PS: We’re still looking for Map Creators! Pay is 50k R$+. Click the link here!

Some screenshots

(Using a shotgun with a gold skin behind a Clayless mine)

(Raygun action!)

(Pool battle)


Everything’s neat and fun, but you might want to do something about speedhacking. :frowning:

We will :slight_smile: Got any particular info on that speedhacking?

Fun! Flare hitscan and perfect accuracy is OP, got a lot of kills out of that. Never saw anyone get any use out of a melee weapon. Are there any mechanics that support melee? Shotgun always seemed like a better idea.

Yeah Flaregun is 100% accurate. We might want to nerf that.

Melee is supposed to be a last resort kinda thing, especially the starter knife. The later melee weapons, such as the Katana and Lightsaber are more useful.

Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

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There’s a lightsaber? :open_mouth:

You can even pick from 3 colors :smiley:

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I’m curious, what’s the reason you decided to go for a profile game rather than a group game? I have to make this choice for a project as well at some point and I’m wondering why you didn’t pick a group game since that seems to be more usable, more features and stuff.


The range seems way too short to be useful. At a realistic range, if my speed matches my target’s then there is no reason to use a melee weapon since they can just outrun me and shoot me down from behind.

Another thing, I can’t switch weapons or jump while sprinting.

I can pick up healthkits while at full health

Also you should consider removing the confirmation from your robux->coins purchases. Roblox already has a confirmation. Every step between the user and the product decreases the chances of the purchase going through.

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Hmm I’ve had plenty of successful kills with my melee weapons. But you’re right about the speed thing. But again we want it to be a last resort. Increasing the range even more might create situations where it looks like someone is hitting you from a 10 stud range from your POV, which we don’t want. But we’ll consider it.

Do you use the mousewheel or Num123 to switch weps? That’s a bug.

Obvious one, will fix that.

Yes I agree.

I’m not sure. Guess we were used to this? Might be because Owen has lifetime OBC? I’m honestly not sure.

Mouse wheel. Also sometimes the mouse wheel would get reversed and switch in the opposite direction. Couldn’t reproduce it reliably though.

I am really bad at it. I can never land shots especially when shotgun is default. The maps are made quite weird so they are hard to navigate.

I haven’t been able to experience much more cause I’m so bad haha


Interesting. You know you also have the Submachine Gun too. It’s an automatic gun so I think you’ll like it better.


That’s odd. I can’t replicate that issue for myself. I wonder if it differs from mouse to mouse.

It put in me a match with a shotgun, I walked down to the enemy spawn and killed them as they walked out

7 kills later they finally got me

Shotgun is the bomb. I don’t think it’s OP though. Maybe a little less accuracy. Right now if you don’t go shotgun/flare then you’re doing it wrong.

Depends hugely on the map too. On Resort the shotguns and autos dominate but on larger maps you see more snipers and phaser rifles.

Switching weapons and jumping whilst sprinting is something I’ve found happens in Solo where Roblox doesn’t accept the input when shift is being held down.

100% with you for the removing conformation for purchases.Thanks for pointing that out!

I have been having a ton of fun playing this.

A few things:

A different default melee weapon, I find that I am the ONLY person in the game that knows how to use the backstab mechanic of it. This is mainly because I play lots of spy on TF2. (Trickstabs are fun!)

Bunnyhopping is a major problem, especially on CTF, as the enemy just bunnyhops the flag across the map, also using energy drink with the flag can be powerful.

Thunderpunch can spawnkill (in protected spawn) on resort, it may be theoretically possible for other spawn killing, 6x combo kill :smiley:

Weapon damage timeout, something that Phantom Forces does. Where each time you fire, you send a time with it, if the time is x seconds old, then it it ignored. (Phantom Forces uses 0.5 sec)

Players don’t seem to know the keyboard layout.

MVP isn’t the best system, I had 24 kills with 4 deaths, but this guy with 8 kills and 1 death got MVP.

More taunts and taunt kills plz (I need my Killer Solo for my sniping)

Thanks for your feedback man!

1: Default melee weapon - Solid idea
2: We may consider slightly increasing the bunny-hop debounce
3: Thunderpunch, yes that 100% needs to be fixed!
4: Weapon damage timeout, very good idea that I haven’t thought of yet. What threshold would you recommend?
5: We’re going to add a tutorial soon
6: Agreed MVP needs overhaul
7: Definitely happening yes!

I love the game and it’s fun and all, but there was a lack of preloading. I had to wait ages for assets.

Also, the map layouts are extremely weird. I liked the cartoony feel, though.