Combat System Confusion

  1. **What do you want to achieve? I want to make a combat system with one animation instead of sepreate animations just for it.

  2. **What is the issue? I don’t know how I can implement/ do that because of little knowledge on animations.

  3. **What solutions have you tried so far? Looked through devfourm but can’t find solution if someone can give me articles on how I can achieve it will be very helpful.

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What do you mean by implement it

Do you just want one animation? If you did, it wouldn’t be very complex. And can you also give a better description of what you want? Guns, Swords, Fighting?

I just want fighting and since Im in a devteam and they made combos using one animations I thought it was best to learn/know about which is why I asked

by implement I mean add it into a script which I have no idea where to start from

here is a video:

does Mapl do all of that with just one animation or did he make multiple?

Does he use just one animation or multiple?

I’m a little confused when you say “one animation”, do you mean one keyframe or something else?

what I mean by one animation is just one whole animation. what im asking for is how to implement a combat system by using just one whole animation instead of seperate ones

he uses multiple …

yea thats not what I really want. so basically is it not possible to make a combat system with one whole animation?

I mean if you want only one animation like a left punch only the game wont look that satisfying and also if you want that one animation to revert or do other stuff with script well you cant do that for now

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