I’m making a lens flare with a image label
I’m trying to combine transparencies to decide how the final image label looks, right now it will only detect the first part in the way so if there’s a semi-transparent part in front of an opaque part the lens flare will still shine through.
I assume I’ll have to do this using raycasts but I’m not entirely sure how I’d go about detecting multiple objects.
-- Services --
local TweenService:TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')
-- Player --
local CurrentCamera:Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
-- GUI --
local LensFlare:ImageLabel = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild('LensFlareGUI'):WaitForChild('LensFlare')
-- Variables --
local Transparencies:number = 0
-- Functions --
local function UpdateLensFlare()
local SunDirection:Vector3 = game.Lighting:GetSunDirection()*1000
local FacingSun:Vector3 = SunDirection.Unit:Dot(CurrentCamera.CFrame.LookVector)
local SunPosition:Vector3 = CurrentCamera:WorldToScreenPoint(SunDirection)
LensFlare.Position = UDim2.fromScale(SunPosition.X/CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X,SunPosition.Y/CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y)
local RaycastResult:RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position,SunDirection) or {Position = CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position+SunDirection}
if FacingSun > 0 then
if RaycastResult.Instance then
Transparencies = 1-((1-RaycastResult.Instance.Transparency)*(1-RaycastResult.Instance.LocalTransparencyModifier))
if Transparencies == 0 then
TweenService:Create(LensFlare,TweenInfo.new(),{ImageTransparency = 1}):Play()
Transparencies = 1
TweenService:Create(LensFlare,TweenInfo.new(),{ImageTransparency = math.clamp((-FacingSun+1),0,1)+(1-Transparencies)}):Play()
LensFlare.ImageTransparency = 1
-- Connections --
-- Return --
return LensFlare